74 on FAR - Page 2

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  • #187468

    I work at a large corporation in Financial Reporting and I was an Accounting major in college. So, I studied for about 2 months using Wiley test bank and the Wiley book. I studied fairly hard but not too much on weekends. Most days during the week I would study at work when I could and then I would stay late studying with the test bank.

    I thought the hardest sections of the test bank were shareholders equity and I felt comfortable with rest of the sections that most people struggle with. I have to say I did not spend a significant amount of time on Gov and NPO. After the test I felt that was my biggest mistake.

    I finished the multiple choice with an hour and forty- five minutes for the sims. Even during the test I felt that it was not as difficult as I thought it would be. I felt that I had over prepared for the specific transaction questions (leases, bonds, deferred taxes, pension and shareholders’ equity). In my results I found out that I was comparable for the simulations so I know that wasn’t my problem. I knew I definitely didn’t prepare enough for some of the miscellaneous sections along with gov and npo.

    I am going to start up studying again in a few weeks and take it again in October. For anyone taking FAR soon, I would say to you that it is very important to have a good understanding of everything and don’t worry if you haven’t mastered Leases or another section that you find difficult just study as best as you can and keep moving on.

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  • #621171

    IFRS is only supposed to be 10 percent of the exam… I guess the makers of the exam confused 10 with something else on mine…


    They should take IFRS off the exam. It should just be U.S. based.

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know someone who uses IFRS at their job?

    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA


    They should take IFRS off the exam. It should just be U.S. based.

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know someone who uses IFRS at their job?

    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA


    Just took FAR a few days ago…same feeling here, over prepared on pensions, taxes, bonds and those more complex concept/calculation while missing out some relatively smaller topics. Got tons of IFRS/NPO/GOV questions. I'm freaked out reading this thread!!


    Just took FAR a few days ago…same feeling here, over prepared on pensions, taxes, bonds and those more complex concept/calculation while missing out some relatively smaller topics. Got tons of IFRS/NPO/GOV questions. I'm freaked out reading this thread!!


    I tend to agree that the test should just be US based, but I do know several people that deal with IFRS in their job.

    AUD- 95
    FAR- 75
    BEC- 83
    REG- 85

    Officially done! Exclusively used NINJA for BEC, REG, and FAR


    I tend to agree that the test should just be US based, but I do know several people that deal with IFRS in their job.

    AUD- 95
    FAR- 75
    BEC- 83
    REG- 85

    Officially done! Exclusively used NINJA for BEC, REG, and FAR


    I would like to know how people study for FAR. I studies more this time with Becker and I made almost the same score as I didn't study before. I am considering getting another study materials. Anyone has any suggestion? Thanks


    I would like to know how people study for FAR. I studies more this time with Becker and I made almost the same score as I didn't study before. I am considering getting another study materials. Anyone has any suggestion? Thanks


    NINJA notes and MCQ! I am no way affiliated with the NINJA products or JEFF for that matter.

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    NINJA notes and MCQ! I am no way affiliated with the NINJA products or JEFF for that matter.

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Thank you, golfball7773! I am going to look into NINJA. I think I just need to keep doing mcq until I pass out in order to pass FAR!


    Thank you, golfball7773! I am going to look into NINJA. I think I just need to keep doing mcq until I pass out in order to pass FAR!

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