70 on FAR :/ Feedback Needed

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  • #1632166

    So I’ve been lurking forever and last night’s score release was devastating. However, I now realize what I have to do in order to pass. I am kind of glad I didn’t pass since I was honestly not comfortable with Consolidations, Equity and IFRS. Although I know I did not miss a single NFP/GOV, Bond, Lease or Pension question. To pass these exams at this point, I will master all of the material, no excuses.

    Failing sucks however I am trying to be optimistic and honest with myself. I think for those of us who have not passed, we truly know why. I still had 1000 MCQs left unanswered on Gleim Test Prep.

    I would like some feedback on my strategy for the retake. I plan to re-do GLEIM Study Units on areas I need to strengthen while also continuing to take 100 comprehensive MCQs a day until the second week of October. Then retake the exam. What do you all think about this plan? What can I do to guarantee I pass this next go?

    Should I purchase Ninja MCQs? I already have Ninja Notes but never really re-wrote them, just kind of skimmed them a few times.

    Thanks in advance!

    Gleim baby!
    Grand Valley State University - '15
    Accounting & Finance
    FAR - 2nd Window '16

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  • #1632175

    Personally, I think Gleim is so detailed it can be counterproductive. If you have the wherewithal to hang in there and complete the whole thing, you'll pass. But I do think that it's a good idea to supplement with something less granular. I think Ninja is the way to go – that's my plan for REG. Gleim for REG was so detailed I never saw the forest for the trees. And I never officially finished the program because it took easily 2-3 times longer than what was estimated. I never had this problem with AUD or BEC. I didn't officially get through FAR either, but eked out a 75.

    I know the devastation. This too shall pass. It's amazing how much better you'll feel in a week. Trust me.


    My experience, anytime I used Ninja MCQ to supplement as review I passed. Seeing different questions in review in a different order is key because the test is random.

    BEC – 77 (Becker) Q4'16
    AUD – 70 (Becker) Q4'16, 75 (Becker + Ninja MCQ) Q1'17
    REG – 73 (Becker + Ninja Audio) Q1'17, 81 (Becker + Ninja Audio + Ninja MCQ) Q2'17
    FAR – 78 (Becker + Ninja Audio + Ninja MCQ) Q3'17

    Mike J

    Whenever I failed a section, I just put away the CPA exam review materials.

    I also ignored the breakdown they give. I treated the retake like I got a 0.

    You have a great attitude towards your retake. It's likewise encouraging that you know the areas in which you need to improve.

    Therefore, put away the CPA review stuff. For now. Research (internet, youtube, college textbook etc) those three trouble areas. Take about a day or two to learn it again. Learn it better.

    The idea here is to get more comfortable and a little more confident.

    If you took notes as you studied for FAR, other sections, last time, incorporate what you researched.

    Then, tackle the CPA review materials again, as though you just finished your undergrad. This is your first time seeing the CPA material even though it isn't.

    Ohh…do something fun before you start back.

    You've got this.


    I used Gleim as my main study program and I feel like sometimes it was too detailed for its own good like mentioned here. I supplemented with RogerCPA's free youtube videos and I watched some Becker videos over challenging topics. My beast wasn't FAR, it was REG….I had a similar feeling that you did. For my retake I didn't really go through the study units again I would just bounce back and forth between major topic areas and did multiple choice until I couldn't do another 30 question quiz…actually dive in and try to learn the material and then master (don't memorize, but actually learn) the questions and why you're getting things wrong. For FAR and REG I answered almost 10,000 MCQ's in the Gleim Test Prep (to hell with their “Smart system”). I went from the devastating 74 on REG to an 85.

    It feels like a never ending road right now, but keep your head up and someday it will end.


    Reworked all of Gleim sims multiply times and go through all of their MCQ once. After that pound ninja MCQ with only new and unseen question along with Gleim sims.

    That is what I did with my FAR retake and passed.

    Used the same method with AUD and REG passed both on my first try.

    For whatever reason REG Gleim was like on steroids lol. They definitely kicked it up a notch. Good god it so hard, but I stuck with it in the end and it paid off.

    I averaged at least a 70+ On all my sections on Gleim MCQ btw.

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