68 FAR

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  • #201822
    southern star

    Well, I only studied about a solid 30 hours. Did not study government / NFP and received numerous questions n the area. This time I will focus and crush this exam

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  • #775485

    That's the spirit. Keep at it.

    REG - 82
    FAR - 78
    BEC - 76
    AUD - 8/27/16


    Try to put in 100 hours and you should pass for sure! Good luck.


    You don't need 7 points. You need 75 points. Treat this like you are studying for the first time.

    And not to be too harsh, but what did you expect when NFP/Gov't makes up 16 to 24 percent of the exam….

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81


    southern star

    I know, I expected it but just got lazy. Family life took over. The exam is not what is difficult, the balance and distraction is what does it.


    @southern star – That's my story, too. My NTS was going to expire and I figured rather than waste the money I'd use it as a test run…and maybe hoping I'd get lucky and score a 75 without studying. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. You'll get it done this second time.


    I took FAR in November without studying and got a 70. Thinking this meant I had a good base due to my work experience and just needed to focus on government and non for profit to pass, I focused mainly on those areas and re-took it after busy season in April. I felt the test was completely different and much more difficult. I got my score back a few weeks ago and got a 68. I fear Golfball may be right and that if I want to pass, I have to not take any shortcuts and start from scratch.


    I think people get mislead when they hardly study for these exams, but still get decently close to passing with a high-60s or low-70s score. I think its entirely reasonable to get close without studying much because much of the CPA exams are pretty basic and straightforward questions, but I think you really need to know the material in depth to push that extra 5-10 points. A 7 point difference isn't necessarily made up over a 10-hour period of additional studying. IMO, that extra 5-10 points is where the real grind of these exams takes place, I think its more like 30-50 more hours of studying.

    My first FAR attempt I studied close to 100 hours and got the same score as you. Same with AUD. I studied an additional 30 hours (roughly) for my retakes. I agree with the others on here in that you don't need 7 points, you need 75. Good luck to you.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    Whats funny is my first time through questions without studying I was getting 65-70 percent correct..after freaking 6 months of studying for far (Thanks to NASBA incomeptane) I now understand each topic much much better and have around 80 percent correct in every section..

    Learn the material take one section per qtr and you should only have to take them once..half ass it trying to just get by luckily youll never pass all 4 nor will you be able to grasp the material in the workforce to advance far in your career.


    golfball7773 is right about needing 75 points and not 7. I got a 70 on BEC and felt like I only needed 5 more points. Well round two I ended up with a 64. I've realized that everytime you go for a retake, you have to start as if you've never studied the material before. that's at least true for me.

    REG - 75
    BEC - 70, 64, 81!!!!
    FAR - 67, 69, retake: Oct 2016
    AUD - 8/25/16

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