2nd FAR Attempt Coming Up

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  • #2319060

    My biggest fear is doing worse on FAR the second time for some unlucky reason. I try not to think about it because I know it will be my demise. I took FAR for the first time, and I got a 71. I failed because of the SIMS, which does not shock me in the slightest. I used Becker the first time, and felt meh with the whole program. I really hammered mcq’s but mainly studied the textbook instead of practicing mcq’s like I should have been. This time, I’m relearning the material and actually doing SIMS and I even bought Ninja ($67 a month deal), and I even see a tutor every other week. Is my future looking bright?

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  • #2319384
    Jimmy Dugan

    You're going to be fine. You already found the “big secret” most of us have, which is spend the majority of your time doing MCQ rather than re-reading and re-watching lectures. Since you have Ninja, knock out 200 or so MCQ and then use the reports to show which areas you are really weak in. Then study those areas like hell and focus your MCQ sessions on answering only questions on those topics.

    If you have Becker, watch all of the skillMaster videos, where the Becker instructor walks you through each sim from start to finish. It helps a lot with the thought process needed to tackle sims. Those videos are solid gold. I didn't practice that many sims, but did watch a ton of these videos and believe it helped tremendously.


    Interesting! Using the skill master videos, I forgot about those. Thanks!


    @Andrewmarii, I am on the same boat, retaking in 3 days after getting 71 on my first attempt last quarter. I would say that since you were so close, be confident and stay focused this time. Keep reviewing the MCQs and may be the notes you've made so far.

    I am certain we will knock this out this time!!Good Luck.


    Absolutely, good luck to you!


    You should be able to confidently answer the AICPA practice SIMs.
    If you have not reviewed those, I highly suggest it.


    @Recked where can I find those, can you send a link? Thanks


    google AICPA CPA sample…? its the first result.

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