Wiley Test Bank Difficulty

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  • #160660

    What have been people’s experiences with scoring in the Wiley Test Bank in exam mode versus results on the actual exam? I know for Becker, people tend to find their final exams more difficult than the actual exam. For FAR I scored in the high 60’s and low 70’s for the 2 final Becker exams and did much better on the actual. Now for Audit, I’ve taken a couple in Wiley and been consistently scoring in the low 80’s, I’m not sure if I’m in good shape for my exam on Friday or just too comfortable with the way Wiley words their questions.

    FAR - 94 (5/2/11)
    AUD - 92 (7/1/11)
    BEC - 82 (8/25/11)
    REG - 84 (11/21/11)

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  • #287045

    I think wiley questions and the becker ones are the same difficulty if not easier. in the end before my exam i was consistently scoring mid 90's (90 mcq only) and i got 80 on the exam…..


    when i wrote down my possible combination of sim score with the MCq score on the exam i did about the same on the exam… 90 on wiley is really 54 % on the exam(90%*60%), so assumingi did get 54 on the exam's mcq then it would make sense i got 80 overall (26% for sims)….

    what ppl fail to consider is the fact the two parts are weighted


    My low 80's in Wiley include the 60% for the 90 MCQ's and 40% for the 7 simulations. I've been scoring mid 80's on the MCQ's and high 70's on the simulations. I'm feeling much more confident than I felt going into FAR, but that has me second guessing myself because whatever I did for FAR worked. Sounds like we were in similar spots and you got a good score for AUD… it will probably just come down to how lucky I am with the difficulty of simulations I get! They have me nervous!

    FAR - 94 (5/2/11)
    AUD - 92 (7/1/11)
    BEC - 82 (8/25/11)
    REG - 84 (11/21/11)


    lol dont be nervous n yes it would seem u are doing good since your 80 included sims…… just know that the sims on wiley arent anything like the real exam and the sims on wiley are scored higher too i believe.. you will do well tho. just study your brains out until friday and then do your best..

    i say just focus on mcq, the different report types and wording,

    and leave a good amount of time for the sims. it is not that they are hard per say but you have sit and do alot of reasoning(at least for me i had to)

    i did each test and went over them thoroughly in 2 hours(actually 1:50 minutes), took a ten minute break and then did the sims and went over them in another 2

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