Wiley or Yaeger

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  • #1395872

    Alright since I am back on the horse, I am taking BEC again at the end of Jan. I am torn between Yeager and Wiley and need some feedback from ya’ll. I used Wiley for my 2nd retake and had a 21 point increase in score using only MCQ. I was looking at the self-study course for my 3rd retake. Any feedback on either is appreciated.


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  • #1395890

    Are you wanting to do the videos? Or just the offline stuff? IF you are contemplating using the full blown course, do a free sample of both. I have Wiley, and its fairly good, I like Ninja MCQ more personally. I never used/tried Yaeger as I received Wiley with my MAcc program.

    I'm glad you are back to hitting the exams! Good luck DISLCPA!!!

    REG: 80 (02/19/16)
    AUD: 83 (04/11/16)
    BEC: 78 (05/28/16)
    FAR: ?


    @Ginja I wasn't wanting to do a full blown course but the self study course. I am just not having any luck with the NINJA stuff period, I have tried 2x and keep getting 50's. I will do a free trial on both. Thank you



    Gleim is also a very cheap self study course that has a free trial if you wanted to give that a try. It worked great for me!

    FAR: 80 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    REG: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    BEC: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    AUD: 8/27/16

    PA Candidate


    Did you use CPAExcel or the Wiley Test Bank? I didn't think CPAExcel did a good job for BEC.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    I just purchased Yaeger for BEC. It was $250 for the full course including the CRAM course. I used Yaeger for FAR and I passed with an 83 without finishing the exam. I'm just going to keep going with what I know works.

    Good luck!!


    Do you know what kind of learner you are? The Wiley books are fairly detailed – a little too in the weeds for me, but if you learn through reading and details, they may work well for you. Typically, I read the Wiley focus notes and flag any pages I need more details and then read just that section of the book. Or I google it. I learned everything I needed to know about 1231/1245/1250 property during REG from Investopedia.

    I tried out Yeager audio for REG, but it was awful. I couldn't handle listening to his voice for hours.

    If you already have the ninja audio, try listening to it and taking notes as if you were listening to a lecture. I do this and it helps. I listen to them completely once per week and follow along with my notes, updating them as I need to, underlining and highlighting for emphasis. After about 4 weeks, I KNOW the audio lectures backwards and forwards and then I can use the Wiley book to fill in any missing pieces of knowledge.

    Hope this helps!!


    I didn't like Yaeger for REG (too boring but so is the material IMO), but it worked for me for BEC along with Ninja MCQ's. Plus the price is right and I ended up passing first time with an 84!


    I'm pretty sure Yaeger uses the Wiley books, or at least they did for the 2014 course. I know they're now CPAExcel. Same material, different name.

    Some people love Cindy, and some people can't stand her. I lean toward the latter. She speaks way too fast. My dad was in the kitchen while I was watching BEC lectures and he asked “Is that even English?” She repeats herself way, way, way too much. A majority of the time she is just reading from the book. I don't need to pay someone to read to me. There are a couple of Yaeger handouts that are decent, but not worth the price of the entire course.

    I'd get buy the Wiley Focus Notes, Wiley Test Bank, and also use your current Wiley materials. Between those three as long as you put the correct amount of time in you should pass no problem.

    FAR (6/9/16) - 81


    I'd also recommend the Wiley focus notes. They are very helpful once you've got a general understanding of everything.

    Matt Douglass

    I used Wiley CPAexcel for all 4 sections, I feel that even though the lecturers are not all that dynamic, the review course was solid. I like the fact that it is broken up into lessons that don't take long. I got through it in 4 weeks and then hit ninja questions for review in the last week. The key to BEC in my opinion is to a lot just as much time to it as AUD or REG.

    MS, Accounting - Done!

    FAR - 83 (CPAexcel/Ninja MCQ)
    AUD - 87 (CPAexcel/Ninja MCQ)
    REG - 10/16
    BEC - 11/16


    I never used them, but from what I have seen from them (reviews and demos), I would choose Yaeger. But I'd take Roger over either.


    Thank you everyone for your input, I was leaning more towards Wiley since it helped my score in BEC. I am still trying to figure out what kind of studier I am since I have never really had to study in High School, College, or Grad School I would just listen to the teacher and takes notes on small things, guess I just answered my own question lol.


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