I haven't seen many people say that the focus notes and flash cards were really worth the money put into the them, so I'd say skip those. The study guides, though, are excellent. I passed using the study guides and test bank. Having multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to drill is essential for most people in preparing for these exams. If you're looking for the most bang for your buck, I think the cheapest option now is to get the NINJA MCQs, at $49 per section for 3 months' access (which should be enough if you pass on your 1st try), or you can get the Wiley test bank for about $129 (I think?) per section for a year's access.
Theoretically, you could use just the MCQs in the book to do your practice from, but I think that would be really pushing the edge of having enough study material. Doing questions out of a book is such a different experience from doing questions on the real exam that I think having the computerized questions is really helpful for exam prep. However, it's not mandatory.
So, are the materials you listed sufficient? Yes, but the focus notes and flash cards aren't worth the money invested in getting them, from what I've heard. I didn't buy them myself, so can't speak from experience, but haven't heard many people say they were any good. So, of the materials you listed, the study guide itself is what makes you list sufficient.
If you have money to buy the focus notes and flash cards, I'd recommend getting a test bank (NINJA MCQ or Wiley test bank) instead, since the money will be much more useful to you in the form of a test bank than in the focus notes or the flash cards. If you decide you want notes, you can make your own notes; if you decide you want flash cards, you can make your own flash cards. Making your own test bank is harder, though.
P. S. I think the 2017 changes are way over-hyped. Take the tests in a logical order (like, take FAR before AUD, cause AUD is testing your ability to audit financial statement prep, so knowing how to prep financial statements is important, and that's what FAR is all about, so take FAR first), and don't worry too much about the 2017 changes. Besides, you can still have them done before most of the changes, if they're in 2nd Q 2017. That's a year away. Wiley book-based studying is very efficient to study with, since you don't have to listen to someone talk on and on and on, so you could probably pass these in the next 2 windows if you wanted to. I think there's one change happening in July, but it's relatively minor; you can be done with all 4 before the rest of the changes.