Wiley CPAexcel difference in video & study text

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  • #1465675

    I’m currently studying for AUD using Wiley CPA excel. I’ve noticed some differences between the video lecture (and slides that go along with them) and the study text. For example:

    In the lesson on Qualified for Scope Limitation, talking about the effect on the report
    Video/Slides: “There is no change to the usual Auditor’s Responsibility section of the audit report”
    Study text: “Auditor’s responsibility section—modify the last sentence to state, “We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion.””

    When these discrepancies occur, should I go with the material in the video/slides or the material in the study text??? I don’t want to be studying the wrong stuff..

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  • Author
  • #1465704

    I'd go with the study text. It is updated as changes occur. The videos seem pretty old, so that could be causing the discrepancy. I am pretty sure the study text is correct in the example you gave. (Haven't studied audit in a bit so not positive)


    Thanks Carly!! I figured it would be easier to update the text than the video, so that makes sense just wish they would put a disclaimer out there to beware of small changes like that!!

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