Wiley CPA Review – Mentoring – Not Helpful and Condescending

  • Creator
  • #2437260

    I just wanted to make it known that Dr. Bain on Wiley CPA excel is a condescending and not helpful. He makes comments like “have you not calculated a note receivable before?” “do you not know how consolidations work?” “this review won’t be helpful to you if you don’t know this concept, you should review your intermediate accounting book on this highly tested topic”.

    Dr. Bain. CPAExcel didn’t hire you to erode the confidence of candidates. Maybe time to retire?

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  • Author
  • #2437656

    Lol yeah he's been that way for years, and it's not a good look. However, if you do ask a good question the explanations are usually really helpful. I can understand his frustration because a prerequisite for sitting for the CPA exam is to have your 150 hours of college credits which should include a variety of accounting courses.

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79


    True, he has been somewhat helpful and encouraging with me. I just read through some other questions by other users and he seemed to be pretty dismissive alot. I think people just get confused by the wording in the questions and the explanations for the most part, it isn't that they don't know or don't study the material.


    Yes! I agree with you. He is the professor I least liked. He is very mean and rude. I normally rarely read his mentoring. All other professors are wonderful and I read almost every question/response. I wonder when Wiley will have a talk with him to become nicer to students.

    Don’t be discouraged. I don’t believe candidates need to have strong accounting skills before studying for Cpa. When I started studying for FAR I have been out of college maybe 6-7 years and had very few memories of accounting. I even had to google an accounting equation!!!:) but I studied religiously and went over every chapter a bunch of times and passed on my second try. Use YouTube and google if you need additional videos and materials.


    Bain is the worse instructor in regards to people skills on WILEY. First time I read a few of his responses, I was a little shocked and that's saying a lot in today's environment. He's just another obstacle, albeit rude as hell, to hurdle on your CPA journey.

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