Wiley – AUD – Lessons don’t match MCQs

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  • #2719077

    I’m currently studying for AUD.

    I’ve been using Wiley CPAexcel.

    I used CPAexcel for BEC and REG, and for both those exams I passed (I was getting around 70% for both BEC and REG on the final practice exams, but wound up getting a 92 and 88 respectively).

    Now I’m using it for AUD, and I am completely lost.

    I feel like I watch the lecture, and I read the study material – and everything makes sense.
    And then, the MCQs come, and they have absolutely nothing to do with the lecture materials.

    What gives?

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  • Author
  • #2721444

    I encountered this a bit too with Wiley. You'll find several complaints from me on the Wiley lesson forums essentially asking “where in the study text is this?”

    Their answer? “It isn't there. We use MCQs as supplemented instruction to teach points that aren't in the text.”

    Do all the practice questions, and don't hesitate to post questions to the lesson forums (or here). I probably posted 30-40 questions on AUD alone…and I have almost 5 years audit work experience from days gone by.


    For Wiley AUD, they tend to put questions from later lesson into earlier lessons. I believe this is a product of AUD and how the topics are more conceptual and intertwined with each other. This makes it harder for them to sometimes find questions that are just testing that specific lesson. As you move further along this happens less as you covered more. Just answer them and move on, once you get to the correct lesson they will make sense.


    Thanks gents.

    Glad to know I'm not crazy.

    I'm half way through the study material, so hopefully things will start to make sense for the 2nd half!

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