Using Wiley 2011, find so many wrong question compared to 2010 version

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  • #160426

    I found so many mistakes in the Wiley 2011 version Far review book, all the mistakes I found is about year. In 2010 version, for example, a question is about depreciation from 2007 to 2010, started from 2007 and ask for 2010 depreciation fee. And the 2011 version book is changed, it mean to from 2008 to 2011, and ask for 2011. But it didn’t changed accordingly, just ask for 2011 and didn’t started from 2008, but still from 2007. I just take an example. And when I do these questions, I am so confused when I look up the answers. Thanks to I have a 2010 version book, I can compare it with the damn 2011 version.

    BEC 75/ 2011.2.25 (Expired);81(2012.11.30)
    FAR 80/ 2011.8.29
    REG 78/ 2012.1.5
    AUD 74(2012.5.29);73(2012.8.22);76(2012.11.02)

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  • Author
  • #283173

    All this time I thought it was me. I was working on a SIMS question that asked you to find the standards that tell you what goes into a Management Letter. The section was wrong. I go to the AICPA site to look up the literature now. I also feel I have a section missing in the literature and the darn thing doesnt search.

    I cant wait for this to be over.
    BEC-11/27/11-Failed(UGH)Back to the drawing board
    FAR- Aug 2012


    Okay it happend again. This time it was a SIM on what is communicated to the management, those in charged with governance, in ref to Control defs. Man.

    I cant wait for this to be over.
    BEC-11/27/11-Failed(UGH)Back to the drawing board
    FAR- Aug 2012


    Yeah, there seemed to be a lot of typos in Wiley for FAR. I'm using Yaeger Home Study and Cindy had me correct several typos in the book.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    I noticed the issues with the 2011 FAR book. I've seen everything from minor typos to journal entries that don't even balance… I can usually tell what they are trying to say but sometimes it takes awhile to figure it out.

    I complained to the publisher and they sent me FAR focus notes for free…. which I had already bought myself.

    REG - 81
    BEC - 85
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 87

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