Studying with Wiley CPAexcel?

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    For all of those who studied with (or are currently studying with) Wiley CPAexcel, I was wondering if you bought the platinum version or did you find a way to lower the costs. I have heard of people buying textbooks for cheap through Amazon so I am curious what else can be done to obtain study materials for cheaper.

    CPAexcel CPA Review

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  • #1562359

    Im just starting out. is Wiley a good review course?


    I purchased the self-study books separately on Amazon because I can't do videos or audio. The content is very sufficient, almost to the point where the books have too much info that you lose focus, but you won't miss anything. Use NINJA MCQ along with this and you are good to go.


    I bought the platinum course and I regret it. I watch the videos, read the study text, and answer the MCQs for each section. Other than going through the flash cards, I don't do much else. I could have saved quite a bit, by going with their silver plan. I don't care for their focus notes and have really only glanced at them a few times. Their virtual classroom is dumb, because if I understand it correctly, you have to sign up for them (they don't seem to be archived somewhere; I could be wrong though) and they're in the middle of the workday (if you sign up, they will send you a recording though). I've heard at least one of their professor mentors can be a jerk when he's bothered with questions he finds dumb, so I've never used their professor mentoring either. God, I'm depressing myself thinking about the money I wasted. Haha. For each exam so far, I've bought the Ninja test bank, because it seems to give me more confidence than the Wiley test bank. I'm planning on selling my Wiley books when I'm done and recommending the future CPA candidate who buys them also invest in the Ninja test bank, because I do think that's sufficient together.

    This isn't meant to be a criticism of CPAexcel (just the value of the platinum course), as I do like the reading materials and lectures, and I like having both. If you don't get much from watching lectures though, the books and a test bank are sufficient.


    I used the silver one and for whatever reason still had access to the forums (mentoring) where the students can ask questions. I never posted any questions since almost all my questions were already asked. The mentoring was helpful but don't go too crazy trying to figure out every MCQ in CPA Excel. That would be a waste of time.

    Definitely would not pay for the platinum version. You have more than enough MCQs in the silver edition + Ninja MCQs. If I were to do it again, I'd probably just use Ninja (maybe supplement with CPA Excel textbooks). I never watched any of the videos. CPA Excel really goes overboard with FAR and underboard with BEC. AUD was just about right.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    I signed up for cpaexcel a few years ago, I did't like it then and I don't like it now since I have access until I pass. It was the cheapest I could afford at the time, I wanted Becker or Roger but some of the reviews were challenging like this one will be for you to make a decision. So I went with cpaexcel because I could use it until I pass not knowing I would lose focus and interest. The lessons were too many, I felt I was taking a long time on each lesson with the video, book and practice mcqs. Maybe I was impatient but I just didn't see any progress. Since, I have tried Ninja with the Wiley books. I still don't have a grip on study with Reg coming up in July but I am attempting to utilize what I have without spending more money. My point is to take time to find what you will use because I have not found a review course that offers a money back guarantee. One thing I do agree with Roger, that “You must study if you're going to pass”. This test is a challenge and not a casual thing. I have wasted precious time and money trying to figure it out, but now I'm just putting in the time to study and I hope it's good enough to pass. I hope this helps.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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