Did any person passed the Audit section by using wiley book?

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  • #157812

    My experience in AUD is very different from BEC and FAR sections. I found my results according to my preparation in BEC and FAR. But I failed AUD while my performance was much better than BEC and FAR by using Wiley all tests and simulations etc. I was scoring 93 to 97 % but went low in CPA exam. I am ready to accept every blame on my shoulder but I don’t want to fail again due to poor material?

    You may send your suggestion on my e-mail address (aazaidi2000@hotmail.com)

    Please advise

    Syed Zaidi
    BEC Passed, FAR Passed, AUD Passed, REG (Passed), Ethics (Passed), Done

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  • #228915

    I actually want to know the same thing that whether Wiley AUD is effective. I used Wiley for BEC and FAR and found it great but I am a little concerned about AUD which I have to take next.

    Thanks in advance


    I passed it first try using wiley and yeager homestudy. I never scored nearly that high on my practice attempts doing the MC's in wiley. I was getting maybe 78% correct at the highest. However, I really did learn the concepts. I would go through the answers and say to myself why each one was wrong, and what it applied to. I HIGHLY focused on Internal Control, Evidence, and the Reports. Chapter 5 & 6 of the wiley book I didn't really spend much time on at all. But I knew Internal Control, Evidence, and the Reports very well.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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