What do you all think of the Roger MCQ bank for FAR?

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  • #199655

    I passed BEC with UWorld Roger CPA Review MCQ before his new formatting way back in Q4 of 2014. Then I failed AUD with his bank because the questions were too easy and too few in number. I went to Ninja MCQ and it made the difference.

    With FAR when I do Ninja I do not seem to get the understanding I do with Roger questions because his questions are tied to the lectures more directly. I feel like I am learning the concepts better with his MCQ bank.

    FAR is my last section so I would like to pass it this time around.

    Would you say the Roger test bank as primary material and Ninja as extra reinforcement is a safe bet based on the improvement Roger had made to his MCQs? I know his MCQs are from other sources like Wiley.

    Please post in this thread only if you have used Roger (after his upgraded format), have passed FAR, and can offer advice based on a real experience instead of speculation.

    What I really need to know is if Roger questions are still too easy and too few in number.

    BEC 11/29/14 77 (Roger)
    AUD 2/23/15 60 (Roger) 4/13/2015 83 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    REG 5/30/2015 66 (Roger & Ninja MCQ(7 hours only)) 8/23/2015 78 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    FAR 11/23/2015 60 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 2/24/2016 74 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 5/25/2016 83 (Roger+Roger CRAM & NINJA MCQ/NOTES)
    Texas Ethics Exam 92%

    Licensed TX CPA Aug 2016

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  • #755508

    I took FAR couple weeks ago using Roger and Ninja. I don't know my score yet but I felt very comfortable during the exam. I used Roger IPQs during my first pass and Ninja MCQs during my final review for FAR.

    As far as number of questions go, I think Roger has a very comparable number of questions with Ninja. Ninja is tougher for sure, especially for governmental/npo section but I can't say Roger was too easy.

    I now study BEC by going over Roger IPQs first and use Ninja MCQs for review by setting up quizzes for the sections I covered. It surely works much better in terms of retaining the information and handling tougher questions.


    How many FAR MCQ does his software have?


    ^^^ please let us know if you have passed FAR using your strategy, as I am doing the exact same thing. How long would you say studying FAR took you doing Ninja and rogers?


    Perhaps Roger didn't have many questions in 2014, but I literally just bought FAR 4 days ago from Roger and there are now 1700 questions. I also purchased Roger and Ninja MCQ for REG n December and there are 1600 questions for Roger alone and I did see a lot of overlap.

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    Hi Jeff,

    Roger's new test bank for FAR has 1,636 MCQ questions and 80 TBS questions.

    AUD - Passed
    REG - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - TBD


    I took FAR back in Nov and thankfully passed.

    I think it does an adequately fair job of helping with the exam. I wished they did have a few more impairment questions especially the difference between IFRS and GAAP.

    Bottom line, his MCQs are fine. SIMs: definitely supplement with another review course


    My Ninja MCQ expired so I was stuck with Roger for the last week of review. I passed. His MCQ has gotten a lot better since I first started. Though I still like Ninja's better. It can work just using his but I would highly recommend supplementing with Ninja MCQ.

    Regulation For The Win!

    FAR 57, 62, 77
    BEC 70,77
    AUD 54,78
    REG 66, 62, 7/29


    Roger CPA Review / Ninja MCQ Supplement

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time - Thomas Edison


    I used Roger's new software (bought back in September) and supplemented with Ninja MCQ and passed FAR. I didn't really use his questions to study that much as I found the NINJA questions to be a bit more challenging. In addition, I think the feedback you get from the questions in NINJA was a lot more helpful in understanding why you got questions wrong.

    As far as the number of questions that Roger offers, I think its comparable to NINJA and in fact some of the questions are exact matches. That being said I don't think that number of questions is as important as much as the quality of feedback that you get, which I think NINJA nails. In addition, navigating Roger's questions seemed a bit more clunkier (even though he recently updated the software, I think it was for the worse) NINJA break down questions from sections (for example, just practicing questions specifically related to inventory, or specific aspects of Gov't/NFP) which I think is way more helpful than just reviewing an entire chapter a time, like Roger software does.

    All that being said I highly recommend NINJA MCQ to supplement your studying, there is no way I could have passed w/o them. I am currently using the Roger and NINJA MCQ supplement strategy for AUD.

    FAR - 11/24
    AUD - 2/2
    REG -
    BEC -


    I agree with cpamayor. Roger's questions are just as challenging as Ninja, but I prefer Ninja's answer explanations much more. I don't like the way Roger puts explanations for many of the computational questions in paragraph form instead of breaking down the numbers in a way that's easier to look over. Ninja's diagnostics are also better than Roger, but I wouldn't go as far to say that you can't pass a section using only Roger.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29

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