Switching from Wiley CPA to Roger Elite package … Good Idea?

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  • #829411

    Hi, My first CPA exam is this Tuesday for Audit. And after that I am planning on taking a break till next Monday, before starting back on studying for the next part. However, I am thinking about switching courses, I bought Audit section from Wiley, and wasn’t too happy with the video lectures that was provided I mainly just read all the material. But even after reading the material the practice question they had for each sections were in more in depth then the reading material they had given. And I felt I learned more doing the Ninja MCQ then reading all of the material.

    So I was looking at the UWorld Roger CPA Review Elite course mainly because it offers Audio lecture and a cram course. Has anyone used it before and would recommend it? I like to purchase it soon so I can get my materials in by next week so I can start studying.

    And also what would you guys recommend me take after Audit? Debating between Reg and Bec.

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  • #829413

    I've never used Roger's cram – but I can say that the audio course sounds like it is just a recording of the cram. So I would lean more towards getting the Essentials course, you'll get the full lectures, book, his MCQ database and you can add the audio course to it.

    As far as what section to take next, I'd go BEC since it's going to change the most in 2017. Roger has a nice little chart somewhere explaining the changes and how it will impact each section:

    CPA Review


    I've never used CPA Excel, but most people seem to think their lectures are very dry and boring. Roger is the complete opposite and has great lectures. I also think his book gets overshadowed by the lectures, but it's laid out very well and doesn't overwhelm you with information.

    His test bank isn't the greatest so I'd purchase Ninja to use after going through all the lectures. I've never used Roger's audio, but I'm a fan of Ninja's and would recommend it.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    I've used both Roger and Ninja audio courses.

    Ninja is short and sweet. It gets to the point and is easy to follow. It's what you would expect from an audio course and can easily be incorporated into another review program.

    Roger's audio course is longer compared to Ninja, but his goes into more detail for each section so the length should be expected. If you are already using Roger review material it's great because it helps reinforce the mnemonics he uses through the full course and book.

    I like to use both because I think they overlap well and give you good coverage of all the topics. Each one obviously has it's hole in what it chooses to cover or focus on, but together I think they fill each other's gaps and cover everything you would to know for the exam.

    With all that said, I would consider how much time you have to give to an audio course – I have decent commute and started listening early enough in my studying that I was able to listen to both several times. If you don't have alot of time that you would use an audio course (I only used it in the car, I tried using when working out but I found I typically zoned out and wasn't paying attention and if I can watch the videos, I'd choose that over listening to just auido) – then I'd definitely go Ninja.


    Thanks guys for the feedback. Whatever I do I am going to purchase the Ninja MCQ for sure, that helped me a lot. However, I didn't like the Ninja audio too much for Audit. All the material was too short and not enough detailed for me. I felt I should of just went with Roger for that, since I have about 45min commute one way so a longer audio course for me should of worked fine.

    Has anyone used the cram course from Roger is that worth buying the Elite package for Roger? And how is the Roger smartphone App? Because Wiley's app is SO outdated it hasn't been updated for few years now.


    I purchased Roger full lecture + MCQ a while ago called Premier(?) package. I also added CRAM lecture (except BEC) weeks before the exams. I passed AUD, BEC on my first try. For FAR and Reg, I added Wiley Test bank and Ninja MCQ for retakes. I am not sure what the Elite package is, but all Roger products are great. His lecture is the best. Highly recommended.

    FAR 72,67,79 (Roger+Wiley test bank)11/15
    AUD 80 (Roger)10/15
    BEC 80 (Roger)4/16
    REG 63,78 (Roger+Ninja MCQs)5/16


    I am using Roger (non-elite package.) The lectures are good – I think they're all on Youtube for free too. His MCQs are ok but the ones on Wiley probably are not much different. I've heard others say that his MCQs did not prepare them as adequately as the ones from Wiley did. His textbooks are OK but if you're like me and not somebody who has been doing this stuff for many years, you will need to use your old accounting textbooks and/or Google to fill in the gaps for some of the material.
    These review courses are all very expensive and I wish there was one that was head and shoulders above all the others but that isn't the case right now. Lots of people use two or more vendors. I think I am going to buy the Ninja Notes instead of buying Roger's cram course, but won't do so until closer to the exam dates.


    I would do the switch. I used Roger for all 4 parts and passed all four parts on the first try (January – August). His lectures are great and his book is really, really good. He has also updated his MCQ's and they are really good. I used Ninja MCQ to supplement but I can't say enough good things about Roger's study course. I had no audit and tax experience and passed those two sections easily by watching the lectures, reading the book over and over and doing MCQ's.


    Roger's updated MCQ database is much better, in fact it now has much of the same questions as Ninja. Ninja MCQ is still a better platform for the answer and explanations though.

    FAR - 07/07/2016 - 81
    BEC - 08/23/2016
    AUD - 10/05/2016
    REG - 11/23/2016


    Roger is much better than Becker. I preach this!


    Roger is the way to go!

    I had used Wiley for FAR and AUD and got 74 each time on my first try. Yes, there are free Roger videos on YouTube which was exactly how I learned that Roger's lectures were so much better. After failing with Wiley, I bought Roger and have passed FAR, AUD, and REG (waiting for BEC score) each on my next attempt. The biggest difference is Roger's teaching delivery. You can only handle so much slides and notes. Roger kept me entertained throughout the process with his wacky mnemonics, stories, hand gestures and stress points like “they (CPA exam) like to test that.”

    Also, I had done pretty weakly on the SIMs. Roger goes through how to tackle the SIMs which was not available on Wiley. How did Wiley expect us to know what to look for on SIMs? My SIMs' score went up using Roger and I think that alone may be responsible for me passing the 3 sections. Go ahead and do the free trial. I also got a discount for switching to Roger by providing them with Wiley's receipt. Buying Roger, for me, was better than paying for exam re-takes.

    Good luck!


    Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    would you recommend buying the elite package? I am debating if it's worth getting that or not mainly because of the Audio and the Cram Course. I just took my Audit exam yesterday and plan on getting started on my next section on Monday.

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