I used Roger and it suited me well. However, I also supplemented with NINJA & Gleim test banks. I didn't complete any in their entirety but they give me enough flavors and variety so I feel covered going in.
Honestly I loved Roger for AUD-BEC-REG (used Wiley for FAR – passed but hated the course), but everyone has a different style. I liked Roger's lectures for an overall view of the topic, the text was good (sometimes lacking), but the MCQs between Roger/NINJA/Gleim solidified everything for me. I started this method for myself with AUD and carried on as I figure it worked, and it did for me. It sounds like overkill and a ton of studying but honestly I didn't put in crazy hours (didn't really study at all on the weekends and work 60 + hours per week with 1.5 hour driving each way + 2 little ones at home), but each test bank actually gave me not only different pieces of information, but also presented concepts/topics I was struggling with in ways which would finally click for me.
It wasn't the cheapest route (full Roger Course + NINJA + Gleim test bank + Roger CRAM), but 4 sits 4 passes and now never having to study again and can spend the Summer with my family, I'll take it.