Roger users: Do you watch the class questions videos?

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  • #201797

    I was wandering if people watch the class questions for the UWorld Roger CPA Review videos? If so, do you find them helpful?

    REG was my first video set I watched from him, I was concurrently taking an MBA class for REG review, so I did the question videos. Next I watched his AUD lectures, I skipped the question videos this time as I had taken an MBA review class for AUD the semester prior, so I was very familiar with the material, but he reinforced what I knew and made it easier to remember, I just didn’t have the videos when I was in the class for whatever reason.

    Now I am watching his BEC videos, and the question videos so far have been useless. Since this is the first set that I am going into kind of blind on I was wandering what everyone thought especially when I have FAR videos coming soon and that would take appx 10 hours off of video times.

    My method is I watch Roger and take my own notes. I don’t use his book, I learn a lot better from reading and answering questions. Then after I watch all the videos I do Ninja MCQ, I don’t mess with his MCQ either. BTW, I am strongly considering adding Ninja notes since I liked the blitz on the free week from bad servers so much!

    Sorry for rambling, any opinions?

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  • #775337

    I watched them for FAR, but not for AUD. The lectures weren't helpful for AUD since he's basically reading the book back to you. I kind of expected it to be like that since the material is mostly conceptual. I thought they were helpful for FAR because he shows you how easy it can be to answer questions by setting up the journal entries. I just started BEC last night and so far the first few lectures on the class questions aren't much help. Maybe when it starts getting into more math related subjects like cost accounting they'll be more helpful.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    I personally just read the book and hammer out the wiley mcq.

    REG - 10/12/2015 77
    AUD - 01/06/2016 75
    BEC - 01/16/2016 75
    FAR - 02/27/2016 68 Retake 05/13/16 70 Retake TBD


    Roger for BEC is really thick material IMO. There are so many calculations there is no way i can memorize each one. Is anyone else seeing this?

    FAR- 76 01/08/2016 exp 08/04/2017
    AUD- 82 04/14/2016
    BEC- May 28th


    REG- TBD

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