Roger need supplement for MCQ?

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  • #202450

    I just went through the whole Yaeger debacle and am now looking for another review course. I received a refund (minus Wiley textbooks) b/c I had just purchased the program prior to them saying they were ceasing operations. I am now looking at UWorld Roger CPA Review but am concerned about the multiple choice questions. I really need these to learn. Are the Wiley textbook questions along with Roger’s enough? Ideally, I would love to purchase the Ninja MCQ – but I’m not made of money 🙂 if I don’t need to and could save that would be ideal. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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  • #779730

    @Jen200215 I went with Roger and started my program in November 2015 with FAR. Watched all the lectures and did the majority of IPQ (MCQ) through the Roger site as per the Roger method. I also spent about 2 weeks prior to my January exam doing random Roger MCQs and Sims as well as practice tests. I got a 67. For the three sections I've passed since that attempt, I watched all of the Roger lectures and took notes but skipped the Roger review and purchased the Ninja MCQ (3 month Individual section access) and have seen huge improvement. I saw an announcement that Roger just ‘upgraded' their IPQ software but I have decided to stick with what's working since I'm so close to finishing. The Ninja MCQ software is a great option, I'm not sure if the pricing is still the same, but each section cost me less than $50.

    B - 88 (2/16)
    A - 84 (4/16)
    R - 73 (6/16), 82(7/16)
    F - 67 (1/16), 84(4/16)

    Ethics - 93

    Roger course & Ninja MCQ - HiYa!


    Thank you! This helps so much. For whatever reason I was only seeing the option that was around $500 but I see the one you're talking about now. I will definitely be purchasing. Good luck with the rest of your tests. You got it!


    I highly recommend Roger and using Ninja MCQs. Once you go through the lectures and have the foundation, focus on nothing but Ninja MCQs. Nothing will better prepare you than Ninja MCQs.


    I also purchased Roger (after using Becker 71,74) and i also used ninja mcq's and finally passed with a 76… i think the lectures are awesome and drilling down on those multiple choice questions from Ninja really helped. i haven't used the wiley book before so i wouldn't have input on that.

    BEC - 76 (4/22)
    FAR - Aug


    Ninja it is! Thank you all.


    Roger + NINJA MCQ got me through my second attempt at AUD, and I'm hoping it'll do the same magic for me on BEC next Monday.

    FAR - 74 (7/20/15), 81 (10/12/15)
    AUD - 72 (11/30/15), 81 (1/18/16)
    BEC - 87 (6/6/16)
    REG - 8/8/16


    Good to know! Good luck ! You got it!


    This is great information! I have been wondering myself…..

    "Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking tartar sauce with you" - Zig Ziglar
    Ninja book + Ninja MCQ + Roger
    AUD Oct 2016
    FAR Nov 2016
    BEC ?

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