Roger for BEC?

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  • #191914

    Anyone use UWorld Roger CPA Review for BEC and feel comfortable with the BEC exam? (meaning… passed? lol)

    I have an econ minor so some of this is definitely a refresher but COSO is new and I hated AUD (expiring in July 🙁 so I better learn it again) so I don’t like internal control.

    I am two parts in and the questions just seem too easy. There were only 50 questions for the first section (econ) and 49 questions for the second (corporate governance, internal control, ERM). I am getting worried. I bought his cram because I am taking it 2/26 and just started studying but if I can stay motivated, I’ve knocked two sections out.

    Also, anyone else have trouble with reviewing questions?

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  • #677173

    Cram courses are more condensed and assume you have a good foundation on the topic at hand from the full review. This is definitely why there aren't many questions. You may need to get more resources for all topics other than Econ. I'm sure there are some Ninja solutions that would work.


    BEC was my nemesis. I had used other software and failed several times. I switched to Roger and passed. I reached a point where I needed to try something different if I wanted to see different results. His approach was refreshing. He is very high energy. It was a good change for me.


    I have both regular Roger and Roger cram. The number of questions I was referencing was for the regular course.


    Who else thinks Roger does a goodt job at teaching BEC? He was great for Audit,but I dont know about BEC.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    update: i LOVED roger for BEC and i passed. granted, i had an econ minor so i like econ a lot and enjoy non-accounting business stuff

    let's just hope i feel the same way about REG.. take it next tuesday after memorial day and need a pass!


    Hi Martin I am currently studying with Roger for BEC and I feel like he is doing a good job so far. I am only by Chp. 4 Decisión Making so I guess I will see how it goes. I plan to take my exam on 7/6 so I am hoping that I will be adequately prepared using Roger. How about you, what section are you by? Is there a section in BEC you don't think he is good in or its all of it? Unfortunately I have nothing else to compare him to so I guess it's hard to say. I do think his questions are easy so I am using NINJA MCQs.

    FAR - (11/01/14) 71 (02/07/15) 79
    AUD - (04/30/15) 86
    BEC - (07/21/15) 73 (10/01/15) 75
    REG - (11/30/15) 55 (05/19/16) 74


    Im working on chapter 2 right now. I thought Roger was pretty good at teaching Audit,but he skipped many little details that I was able to pick up thanks to the ninja questions. Roger's test bank is a piece of shh for a lack of better words,but he is a gifted professor compare to Becker and the rest. I know Audit is his strong subject,but I dont know how good he is with BEc, and this is why I inquire on this post.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    Yeah I noticed the same thing for the FAR exam so I guess he only covers the most heavily tested subjects and not so much of the details. I love his teaching style though so to make sure I have covered all my bases I use NINJA MCQs.

    FAR - (11/01/14) 71 (02/07/15) 79
    AUD - (04/30/15) 86
    BEC - (07/21/15) 73 (10/01/15) 75
    REG - (11/30/15) 55 (05/19/16) 74


    After finishing 5 chapters, now I wonder if Roger is enough to pass BEC.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75

    Last Chance CPA

    Roger's lectures was amazing, but you do have to have certain prior knowledge when using his CRAM. He is hard to follow and I only using his CRAM to get those extra few points for REG.

    For BEC, I ONLY used Ninja MCQ (and WTB) and passed on the first try. I kind of watched CPAExcel videos. I can't pass REG (on my 5th try), so that should give you some reference. I presume Roger's lectures are very effective for BEC, and Ninja (WTB or Gleim TB) would definitely put you over the hump…I did use Ninja Audio I just remembered!

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    Do you guys think 3 weeks is enought for either BEC or AUDIT?? I am taking FAR first week of August and wish to knock another examo out by the end of the testing window.. is it reasonable ?

    Using RogerCPA


    you could prob knock out BEC in 3 weeks as opposed to AUD but probably depends on your background. If you've never been an auditor, probably not AUD but some people don't do well on BEC either, especially if they only have a masters in accounting vs business/accounting undergrad

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