Roger CPA AUD Review course?

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  • #1652918


    I am currently studying for AUD using Becker, but I’m interested in potentially switching review courses for this section. I have heard good things about UWorld Roger CPA Review for AUD.

    Has anybody had success with a particular review course over Becker for the Audit section? pros/cons?

    Thank you


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  • #1652930

    I'm in the middle of Roger Audit right now, and so far I think it's great.

    I used Wiley for FAR (supplemented with NINJA MCQ + GLEIM Test Bank – doing the same this time around), but having seen a few of the Wiley lectures for auditing and accompanying text guide, I don't think it would have cut it for me so I went with Roger instead. I never used Becker, but with Wiley, there were numerous lectures plotted out for your day-by-day schedule for you to complete depending on your test date, study hours per week etc. Roger isn't like that, as there is a general outlined week-by-week study program which I suppose is their recommended schedule. The first 4 chapters are pretty heavy with lots of material, so it might take longer than their plan to complete them, but even if so, you'll catch up mid-way as the material and study text are much shorter. That's not to say they're less important, but it takes less time to get through them at least.

    Regarding his lessons, I find him informative and entertaining enough to keep me engaged, and the text seems detailed/informative enough. I say “seems” because I have yet to take the test, but judging by the NINJA & Gleim test banks I've been mixing in Roger looks to be sufficient. That and quite a few other users recommend him. Either way best of luck!


    i bought the full all 4 parts bundle from Roger, and so far have passed REG, BEC, and AUD on first attempts. I cannot say anough good things about this review course. AUD is my weakest area as I have damn near zero experience with audit engagements other than preparing the income tax provision and rate rec/footnotes for the audit team. I was DREADING AUD.

    I stuck to the study schedule that Roger's software generates for you and scored an 85 on it. That goes with REG (97) and BEC (89) scores. If you stick to his schedule and study hard and do all of the lectures and IPQs I think there is a strong strong chance you will pass. I have thus far not had to supplement with any other materials (thought I'd need the ninja MCQ or some other test bank, but so far nothing needed). 3/4 through my FAR materials right now.

    Best $2k I've spent in my life thus far. And I thought at first it might be a purchase I regretted/wasted, boy was I wrong.

    Good luck to you.


    I had both Becker and Rogers for all of my sections. AUD is by far Rogers best section IMO. I really don't think you'll regret buying it.


    I am not sure how the Becker course is because I only used Roger when I studied last year, but I recommend using Roger. Using Roger, my AUD score was the highest out of any of the other exams at 84. Also, very helpful to use the authoritative literature on the exam in the simulations. Good luck.

    REG - 2/19/16 - 77!
    BEC - 4/16/16 - 79!!
    AUD - 6/04/16 - 84!!!
    FAR - 8/31/16

    Hank Scorpio

    Check out his videos on YouTube. He also has a free trial for a day or 2. I used both and Jeff's advice to find a course that fits your study style and purchased all 4 sections from him. The MCQ section isn't the best but I supplement with NINJA audio (for my long drive) and MCQ if I have time.

    FAR - 10/3/16
    BEC - 69 - 10/31/16
    AUD - November 2016
    REG - December 2016


    Get Ninja. You just need the practice questions. Roger's program is filled with unnecessary fluff that will keep you bogged down when you should just be working questions.


    Roger's videos are really good for Audit. It may help you to understand the concepts. The testbank however, is not difficult as compared to becker or ninja.


    I don't understand the obsession with super difficult test banks, the questions on the exams are usually straightforward and fairly simple. And Rogers is not fluff at all, he trims the fat very well


    @ Superdude3000 I agree regarding the difficulty of test banks.

    Although I am supplementing Roger with NINJA and am satisfied so far, I also got the Gleim test bank, mostly for SIM practice and to use during my final review, but regarding MCQ there are some questions that are straight up ridiculous and I doubt would ever see the light of day on the actual exam. I should have learned from my FAR exam as I was using Gleim, and I would be hung up going crazy over some difficult concepts (for me) spending hours to grasp it, and come test day, the actual question was incredibly basic/introductory.

    I know some people say it's better to be over-prepared, but I don't think that approach is suitable for everyone.


    Roger was better for AUD than for FAR and especially BEC.

    @Superdude – you should realize, if you don't already, that not everyone is at your level. You cruised through the exams very fast. Most people require more from their review course.


    Roger AUD will keep you awake, and very sensible too!

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