Well, if you follow the study plan per Roger, you shouldn't be worried about not passing!
Just make sure that for each chapter you:
1. Watch the lecture.
2. Read Roger's textbook.
3. Take notes.
4. Do ALL MCQs for that specific topic.
5. Study your notes.
6. Re-do ALL MCQs again and again until you get 80% or higher and then do them AGAIN one more time, at least for the topics which are heavily tested – the most number of MCQs in Wiley Test Bank.
Also, periodically go back to topics already covered to make sure you didn't forget the material you already learned.
Just spend time carefully watching the lectures, especially for FAR because Roger shows you how easily to solve complicated questions (bonds, pensions).
With Roger you will need at least 150 hrs for FAR.
The game plan in case you fail FAR? Well, I'd still start studying for AUD right after your FAR exam because usually it takes 2-4 weeks to get your score and you don't want to waste this time.
Then, you will wait for your AUD score and apply for a second NTS for REG and BEC, assuming you pass Other two.
Also, after you get approved to sit for exams, they give you about 1 year to pay for selected exams if I remember it correctly. And after you pay, they email you the NTS the next day, so you don't have to pay for your exams until a month or two before you plan to take it – that way you stretch the 9 months time limit.
Good luck! And think about it – what if you take AUD first, pass, but then fail FAR later and run out of time?? Better to start with FAR! After you pass that part, you will feel better about others which take way less time to study.
FAR: 81 (May 2013)
BEC: 81 (July 2013)
REG: 83 (August 2013)
AUD: 82 (November 2013)
California CPA since 1/30/14