If you are buying one section at a time (which I think is what you're talking about with the price-points you're listing), then if you only take the exam 1 time, Ninja is cheaper (you're taking BEC in 3 weeks; you'll pay $50 total for BEC MCQs instead of $130 total to have them last till your exam date; the extra 49 weeks you get from Wiley and the extra 10 weeks you get from NINJA really don't matter). If you take it more than once, then which one is cheaper depends on how long it takes you to pass the exam from the date you subscribe till the date of the exam that you pass. If you pass BEC within the next 6 months, then Ninja will have been cheaper ($100 total for 6 months subscription), but if you require 9 or more months of subscription, then Wiley would have been cheaper ($150 for 9 months or $200 for 12 months).
Personally, from a pure price perspective, I'd take the bet on myself that I wouldn't be likely to take over 6 months to pass the exam, and say that Ninja was the cheaper option.
Now that being said…I think Wiley used to offer a 21-day trial. It was one time and was for all of their exams at once. If you could still find a link to a trial for 7, 14, or 21 days, it could allow you to use Roger for another week or two then finish out with Wiley for BEC, see what you think of Wiley, and then know how you like the Roger + Wiley combo when picking a combo to use for future exams. All I can find now is a 24-hour trial, but that could still give you a good taste of what their test bank is like. If you got it Friday evening, used it to study Friday evening and Saturday during the day, you'd get 2 solid study sessions out of it, and after that should be able to gauge if it's helping you learn things that weren't in Roger or if it's just being repetitious. (Maybe the 21-day trial was a dream I had when I was wishing that CPA study materials weren't nearly as expensive as the exam…yes I used cheap ones if they were cheaper than the exam. 😉 )
When I took the exams, the Ninja MCQs were in their very infancy (there was an MCQ product, but it wasn't anything like the current one). So, I can't really comment on the effectiveness of Ninja vs. Wiley, as I haven't used both to compare. I liked Wiley, but have heard a lot of good things about Ninja. So, I'd take a neutral stance and say both sound like solid software programs, pick the one that you're most comfortable with.