Roger CPA cram vs. regular materials

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  • #200499

    I currently have Becker & purchased the UWorld Roger CPA Review cram course for REG since Becker was not teaching things in a way that worked for me and I had received a 70, 71, 73 and I just needed a couple more points. Took it Again today so we will see if it works. Looking to take FAR next and was considering buying Roger. I was wondering if the Roger cram book is much different from the the book you receive with the regular Roger course? Since I have the Becker test bank I was hoping to save a couple dollars and just buy the Roger cram. However, wasn’t sure if the cram book and lectures would be significantly different than the regular course. If a couple hundred dollars will get me to pass then it’s worth it. I have only taken FAR once before over 2 years ago and received a 57. Please help! Hope to buy soon so I can’t keep on studying!


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  • #760237

    I've used the Roger cram for each section I have taken and I do have the regular course as well. The cram is similar to the regular course in lecture style. The key difference is the cram is more condensed. He's cutting out some material in the cram but focusing primarily on the most heavily tested topics. Like I said, it is taught in the exact same manner as the regular course. If you have another test bank and another book to reference if needed, then I think the cram can help you with the more heavily tested topics and key concepts

    AUD- 71,79
    BEC- 72,77
    FAR- 83
    REG- 63,71,83



    Thank you for the input!


    I can't say that I would recommend the Cram courses alone, but I've used them for FAR and BEC as a supplement to the regular courses. Like the other poster mentioned, they are just more condensed versions of the regular courses. I have used Roger's crams usually in the final week leading up to the exams and find them very useful as a quicker (I think FAR cram was about 15 hours and BEC was about 7 hours) way to brush up on the entire course. By doing this, though, I had to spend a bit less time doing MCQ, but I thought it was useful since one seems to pick up more things during the cram lectures than the regular course, since the regular course has been completed already and many MCQ have been answered already (if you have been diligent about practicing questions with Roger's test bank and Ninja, especially).

    You really don't even need the cram-specific book if you already have the main course texts. I recommend the cram course for a final week review, but be sure to leave at least a few days afterwards to really hit the MCQ hard. This is just my opinion and what seems to work for me, though. Some might prefer using that time to answer more MCQ in the final week, though.

    If you contact RogerCPA you should be able to get a current student discount (if you already use the main course, though). If you already have the main texts, I would recommend calling them about purchasing the Cram without the text, because the shipping is about $20. Of course, if you don't have the regular texts for the full Roger courses, you will want the cram texts. Other than the expensive shipping, though, the text is included in the price of the Cram.

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