Q about Roger CPA FAR

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  • #194695
    the LAST Coffee

    I printed out my adjusted study plan from UWorld Roger CPA Review and noticed that at the end of each section, it tells me to do all TBS, study questions and software problems.

    It doesn’t go into details what these pertains. I’ve been going to the Interactive Practice Question and sometimes there isn’t any TBS for some sections. If there’s no TBS, then why is it telling me to “complete” them?

    I have no idea what software problems are either. I looked around the website but nothing stands out. I assumed all the questions and TBS to do are inside Interactive Practice Questions, (in quiz style).

    I’m on Section 3 of the Roger CPA course so far (Cost & Equity). Don’t wanna keep going with my studies if I am not doing it correctly. Am I doing it correctly?

    FAR 84 (AUG '15)
    BEC 83 (AUG '15)
    AUD 79 (OCT '15)
    REG 71, 78! (NOV '15, FEB '16)

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  • #671723

    Software problems are the interactive practice questions. It tells you to complete all the task based simulations to make sure you complete the ones in the book. The ones on the IPQ software are often the same ones from the book

    AUD- 71,79
    BEC- 72,77
    FAR- 83
    REG- 63,71,83



    Roger's program suggests doing the class questions in the book after you go through the lectures and then move onto the study questions in the book before doing the “software problems.” However, the study questions all show up in the IPQ software, so I think doing the study questions in the book can be redundant and gets you into a potential situation of memorizing the answers by the time you get to the IPQ software. I just go into the IPQ after I am done with the lectures and class questions

    AUD- 71,79
    BEC- 72,77
    FAR- 83
    REG- 63,71,83



    I am doing the exact same right now! Section 5. I recommend purchasing MCQs from else where


    Section 6 made me want to stab my eyes out

    BEC 76 (2/15)
    REG 81 (4/15)
    AUD 78 (5/15)
    FAR 81 (7/15)

    Roger + Ninja MCQ


    I only completed a few Ninja MCQ Sims (mainly JEs Sims, Bonds, EPS) and ZERO Sims in Roger's IPQ. If you do not have the time, I suggested you skip Roger's IPQ Sims. Focus on MCQ which, IMO, will get the job done for FAR.

    @ wawr47aa87, I understand it is crazy since there are 31 chapters. However, it is doable within 3 months.

    REG - 80 (02/13/2015) Roger + Ninja Flash Card + Ninja MCQ + Becker's Note
    FAR - 84 (05/29/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Some Wiley book questions
    BEC - 77 (08/27/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Half Wiley book questions
    AUD - 87 (08/28/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Half Wiley book questions


    Sorry to hijack post but I have a question regarding FAR course updates from Roger. I'm scheduled to take FAR on 7/2/15 and I just finished up Roger's FAR book, spending the next couple weeks in hardcore review mode. HOWEVER, I just got a promotional email from Wiley about buying their MCQ as it's been updated for FAR changes, and lists out some of the changes effective July 2015, including bond issuance costs and the elimination of extraordinary items…my question is, is Roger's FAR book up to date for these changes? I have the 2015 edition, if that helps…I just don't want to get to the testing center on 7/2 having studied obsolete things if they'll be testing me on things that became effective the day before. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help on this!


    I doubt that Rogers book is updated, I have the same concern, my exam is end of July and unsure if Rogers covered the changes in his lectures even.


    @Yaz88, I'm concerned because he definitely discusses extraordinary items in depth in Section 17 and according to the updates they apparently aren't a thing anymore :/


    Updating CPA Review materials is subjective…different companies have different opinions.

    I personally am not on board with adding the Extraordinary Items change to mid-year exam material.

    Here is what the standard says:

    “The amendments in this Update are effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2015. A reporting entity may apply the amendments prospectively. A reporting entity also may apply the

    amendments retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the financial statements. Early adoption is permitted provided that the guidance is applied from the beginning of the fiscal year of adoption.”


    It's an all or nothing deal and the only reason why it's even a question is because early adoption is permitted – which is fine if it's something “added”, but this supersedes current practices, so you run into having both, which I don't think the exam will test on. I'm not updating until December unless someone can convince me otherwise. 🙂


    Thanks Jeff. Appreciate the response 🙂


    Roger is worth the money just for the lectures alone if you're somebody who needs the material taught to you or presented in an easier to understand fashion.

    His test bank is worthless.

    That being said, his lecture on Govt and Non-Prof saved me. As I went through the exam I remembered all of his points and he was spot on.

    I recommend a supplement of NINJA TB, or Gleim, to go with Roger if you can afford it. NINJA is definitely cheaper than Gleim but I like the Gleim program just a tad better. Although Jeff is a lot cooler than Irvin Gleim.

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 75
    REG - 74, 79
    FAR - 75

    You have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.

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