Need a change of pace from CPAExcel – Roger CPA?

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    After getting my score and seeing that I failed REG it was a huge blow, but I have to keep moving forward. I have already passed AUD and BEC and now moving on to FAR. CPAExcel was good for AUD and BEC since it was mostly memorizing the information. For REG I had trouble with since it wasn’t just memorizing it, but also understanding how to compute certain calculations. The Sims for REG definitely screwed me, it was like looking at a different language.

    Going forward with the next exam, I just can’t even look at FAR for CPAExcel, the lectures aren’t as great as I would like them to be, not to mention their course outline is literally twice as much as any other review course. I just want to hear how your experience was for the people that have used Roger for FAR or those that have switched from CPAExcel to UWorld Roger CPA Review. I really need to pass FAR and plan on retaking REG in October before my AUD expires in 2016.

    Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated. I am really thinking about getting FAR from Roger, but want to hear how other people’s experience with it is like before going and spending money on it.

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  • #671252

    I'm in a similar situation as you – I just found out that I failed AUD for the third time using CPAExcel. I'm also thinking about making the jump to Roger. I've heard that he is great for AUD and my FAR score expires on this day next year. I still need to pass AUD, BEC, and REG…yikes. Anyone else with opinions on Roger would be appreciated.

    FAR - 71, 76
    AUD - 72, 67, 74
    BEC - 71, 69, TBD
    REG - TBD


    I've heard very good things about Yaeger. Be sure to watch demos online before you buy. There are sample videos of them all on YouTube. I'm using Becker and I like it because they hit the high points, but it is probably not what you're looking for. Yaeger is pretty popular if you like the old school approach to instruction (sample problems explained and worked on a whiteboard).

    FAR: July 2016


    Roger is phenomenal with the lectures. It's amazing how focused he can keep you. He simplifies things and makes you really understand the big picture, which helps you avoid memorizing. However, his test bank is awful. I hate to talk about the program negatively because I really appreciate how great of an instructor he is, especially after switching to his program from one with a sub-par instructor. The questions just do not cut it though. Questions often repeat themselves in different sub-sections. In BEC, the 4th unit has the exact same 15 or 16 homework questions in the exact same order for four or five sub-sections in a row. This isn't learning the material. That is memorizing. The questions have a way of making you feel too confident because, in my experience, they are easier than the exam. I would personally prefer to have practice questions that are more difficult than the exam. I think that is the best way to prepare and prepare for success. Roger is supposedly making a huge overhaul to the interactive practice question test bank. It is supposed to include more questions and have features where you can create quizzes based on questions you have never seen before. However, that has been put on the back burner for some time now. I think they originally announced those changes in February. It is now June and the changes have not been made. They made changes to their platform where the lectures and online books have new features and look different. These changes have been horrible in terms of functionality. You will have problems accessing videos and questions, but there are several solutions to get around it.

    Overall I would recommend Roger, but be cautious in relying too heavily on his MCQ. Purchase supplementary questions to work on in addition to the problems in Roger's book. I relied too heavily on Roger's questions for BEC and I think it could potentially haunt me.

    AUD- 71,79
    BEC- 72,77
    FAR- 83
    REG- 63,71,83



    I am so glad someone else had that opinion about FAR on CPAExcel. I used that and passed the other three (supplemented with NINJA, using mainly NINJA MCQ for AUD). However, I couldn't get past the FAR lectures on CPA Excel. They made me even more miserable than I already was. No surprise to me that I found out today I didn't pass FAR (and lost BEC in the process).

    I plan on using only NINJA this time around. I have used Becker (horrible), Kaplan, and CPAexcel and now NINJA and I love the NINJA material so much more.

    AUD - 69, 74, 74, 76 --> PASSED
    BEC - 72, 70, 76 --> Lost Credit
    REG - 62, 72, 77 --> PASSED
    FAR - FAIL


    I think I will definitely get the Rogers course for FAR. Looking over a ton of post online, I constantly see people say Roger's CPA is great for FAR and AUD if you have trouble understanding the material or memorizing it.

    People are saying Roger's lectures + Ninja MCQ + Wiley review as a supplement can give you that passing grade.

    Does anyone know if purchasing the Roger's course would also include the Wiley textbook? I saw somewhere it did from someone else's post, but on the site it does not really mention the Wiley Book.


    @FroZtFlare Roger's course came with the Wiley textbook & access to MCQ back in 2013 when I bought it, but my co-worker recently purchased his course & they no longer offer the Wiley supplemental materials

    REG 83 - November 2014
    FAR 80 - April 2015
    BEC 78 - May 2015
    AUD 76 - November 2015 (Finally DONE!)



    Ya I just called them to verify and they removed Wiley from their course. Did you pass FAR with an 80 using Roger?

    Link: Current CPAexcel Discount Codes

    CPAexcel CPA Review


    FroZtFlare, when I failed FAR with a 71, I went over Roger's cram and noticed how different his approach is compared to Becker. He actually teaches you the material staring from JEs and up, so I also used him for Audit and passed with an 82. The only problem with Roger is his test bank, so you will need to supplement it with Ninja or WTB.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    @FroZtFlare, YES! Roger is amazing. I passed FAR on my 3rd attempt.. I wasn't an Accounting major, so this has more to do with me than his program. The first time I took FAR, I got a 57, but I didn't really study.. All I did was watch his lectures. The 2nd time I got a 69.. I studied more of the questions, but didn't rewatch the lectures. I was just reviewing the problems we did during his lectures. On the 3rd attempt, I finally learned that I needed to put in some effort. I watched the lectures over again & did all of the MC problems on his website in addition to the ones in the book. Then, the week before the exam, I redid all the lecture questions & all the study questions. I never used any supplemental materials to get the 80. I also passed REG on my first try with an 83.

    What's really great about his MC problems are that his solutions tell you why the answer is right & why the other 3 choices are wrong.. And it's done in a way you'll understand. It's really helpful since sometimes all the answers seem correct.

    REG 83 - November 2014
    FAR 80 - April 2015
    BEC 78 - May 2015
    AUD 76 - November 2015 (Finally DONE!)


    If you have the resources to get a good amount of MCQs else where other than Rogers, then go ahead and purchase Rogers. I recommend his lectures, but not his test bank whatsoever.


    I have CPAexcel and I think they have good study material but lectures are dry and I don't think the test bank is great because of the explanations. I haven't passed a section yet and I've put in the effort with CPAexcel. So I think for those who fail like myself, and you feel you put in the time, you gotta re-evaluate the study strategy and that includes the review course.

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    Thanks everyone for the responses.

    Just one final thing. I have the Ninja MCQ which are great. I do plan on getting Roger's for FAR after reading your post and researching.

    But I am just worried with regards with how they changed up the course to not include Wiley, from other post it said Wiley helped fill in the gaps of the topics covered by Roger. Roger gives you the core with no extra fat, while Wiley supplemented that lack of extra info that might be tested.

    So I plan on doing the Roger review course with the lectures, Ninja MCQ for sure. But do you guys think I should also get the Wiley Study Guide although it is a lot of pages, or maybe just the Wiley Focus Notes? Anyone have any experience with those?


    My last two cents: I never used any of the free Wiley materials.. I opened the Wiley book for FAR once & was completely overwhelmed at how much information there was & how tiny the font was. The exam doesn't really test you on the minute details.. They are looking to see if you understand a bunch of different general concepts which Roger will teach you in his book (which I never read) & his lectures. You can definitely do it without Wiley.

    REG 83 - November 2014
    FAR 80 - April 2015
    BEC 78 - May 2015
    AUD 76 - November 2015 (Finally DONE!)


    I wouldn't get the wiley book for FAR. Rogers book is enough and easier to read with big fonts and small paragraphs.

    His lectures and book and Ninja are plenty in my opinion. I am studying for FAR but got to purchase Ninja MCQs soon

    Good Luck!


    Roger's textbook that he provides is great. Pretty much goes over everything he says in his videos. Questions are a bit lacking with the testbanks, but I think if you supplement it with NInja MCQ, it would be perfect! Roger's instructions + Ninja MCQ + Roger questions would be a fantastic way.

    AUD: Passed
    BEC: Passed
    REG: Studying

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