Is Roger Review enough?

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  • #202610

    Hi everyone,
    I have just start studying for the cpa (far), this is my first exam, I am planning to take it in the end of July, spending about 4 hours a day studying…
    Do you think that UWorld Roger CPA Review is enough to pass? How many hours a day would you recommend to study for?
    Thank you

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  • #780626

    I passed AUD and BEC with only Roger. I think FAR and REG need supplements. Ninja MCQ is awesome for REG. It helped me out a lot. I only did about half the questions for FAR from NINJA. Probably should have done more. I focused more on the Roger questions and reviewing my notes from each chapter. I'm not sure if I passed and if I didn't, I'll have to go back and take AUD again.

    Roger just upgraded his IPQ software. Supposedly it includes more difficult questions now, particularly more difficult sims. The sims before the upgrade were downright awful. Not even the slightest bit representative of one you'd actually see on the exam except for maybe the cash flow chapter and possibly a couple other areas. If you can afford to dish out the money or have an employer pay for it, Gleim has great sims.

    To summarize, I think it's possibly to pass with only Roger. I have a co worker who passed all 4 on the first try with just Roger. You'll have to keep in mind some of it is luck of the draw with questions you're asked. When I got an 83 on REG after failing with a 71, I didn't feel like I was way more prepared the time I passed. In retrospect, I didn't get hammered with business law topics that I didn't understand and the sims were pretty manageable. They weren't manageable at all when I got the 71. Amount of time studying depends on your schedule but I'd say you'd have to put in 20 hours per week and study at least 5 weeks, but that's just my opinion. Everybody is different. Good luck!

    AUD- 71,79
    BEC- 72,77
    FAR- 83
    REG- 63,71,83



    I used Roger and passed all 4 on the first attempt. I thought Roger did an excellent job preparing me for the exam. His questions are at least on par if not harder than the actual exam. As far as time – it depends on so many factors. I saved FAR for last on purpose because I knew it was the hardest one and had the most information. Saving it for last made me far more motivated to get through it and allowed me to develop good study habits and study pace. I do agree with having a study plan, but it needs to be flexible. There will be some topics that are easier and others that you must spend extra time on. By some miracle, I managed to pass FAR in 3 weeks. I work full time and spent about 3-4 hours most days after work, then 4-6 per day on the weekend. I could see Roger not being enough for someone fresh out of school and with little work experience. I thought he was great. Good luck

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    jdn9201, thanks for the review, what was your study plan for FAR? Did you do videos, or only mcq?


    I highly recommend Roger's review course, but I think you need to supplement it with Ninja MCQs. My study process was to go through all of the videos and take notes at the same time. After I had completed all of the videos, then I did non-stop Ninja MCQs. I never once touched Roger's MCQ testbank. I truly feel that nothing will better prepare you for the CPA exam than using Ninja MCQs.


    Free Stuff to Supplement with:


    I agree with @Doc I use Roger as well but ninja audio and ninja mcq was so important to my 3 passes. If anything you will not regret the $47 for the MCQ. I failed my first 3 exams in a row before adding ninja mcq for my first pass (AUD).

    Regulation For The Win!

    FAR 57, 62, 77
    BEC 70,77
    AUD 54,78
    REG 66, 62, 7/29


    Roger CPA Review / Ninja MCQ Supplement

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time - Thomas Edison


    I strictly used Roger and passed FAR – though I do wish I had used supplements. The MCQ sections of the exam I had no issue with and felt very well prepared but the TBS were a different story. I feel like the TBS with Roger did not represent what was actually on the exam.

    Overall I would definitely recommend Roger, no question – just supplement with other TBS questions – that is what I will be doing for my next exam (more is better, right?).

    FAR - 75 (5/23/16)
    AUD - July 2016
    BEC - Aug 2016
    REG - Nov 2016


    I used Roger for FAR only and passed. For AUD, I used Roger again and supplemented Ninja MCQs and passed as well. Working on REG now using Roger & supplementing with Ninja MCQs. Roger has updated all of his MCQs to more closely align with exam. The REG TBSs seem a lot better then before the upgrade. The way I see it, $47 is a small price to pay to to add on Ninja for the extra practice and pass the exam.

    FAR - Passed (04/16) ROGER
    AUD - Passed (05/16) ROGER & Ninja MCQs
    REG - Passed (07/16) ROGER & Ninja MCQs
    BEC - 08/16


    Thanks for answering, what was your strategies? How much of your time did you put in MCQ vs videos? How many times did you go over them (MCQ)?


    I power through the videos. If I need to take notes, I pause the video to write things down. Once I'm done with the videos, I hammer the MCQs. I use the book if I'm not sure of the answer. I read why each answer is wrong or right and jot down some additional notes if needed. I go over and over the MCQs, usually alternating between Roger's & Ninjas trying to prevent myself from memorizing them. For calculation questions – I do the calculations even if I already know the answer. This helps reinforce the subject matter for me. Good Luck!

    FAR - Passed (04/16) ROGER
    AUD - Passed (05/16) ROGER & Ninja MCQs
    REG - Passed (07/16) ROGER & Ninja MCQs
    BEC - 08/16


    For those of you who took the test already, what was the score difference between Roger and the actual exam?


    I also passed AUD and BEC with only Roger. For BEC, I didn't even need CRAM. But for FAR, I needed supplement for my 3rd exam and used Ninja MCQ for my REG retake. I highly recommend Roger video. I really enjoyed Roger video. What a funny man. I am done with the exams, but I miss Roger. 🙂

    FAR 72,67,79 (Roger+Wiley test bank)11/15
    AUD 80 (Roger)10/15
    BEC 80 (Roger)4/16
    REG 63,78 (Roger+Ninja MCQs)5/16


    CPA Review

    Audit 86
    BEC 75
    FAR 82
    REG 93



    Audit 86
    BEC 75
    FAR 82
    REG 93

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