Is Roger alone would be enough? - Page 2

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  • #1655272


    I’m study using UWorld Roger CPA Review and planning to take the exam after two weeks, I’ve read the book three times & did the MCQs once and I will do it again, do you think that is enough or should I go with the NINJA MCQs?



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  • #1659859

    I used roger videos and surgent questions for aud and far. Used surgent only for bec and failed. Not saying its strictly because I didnt use roger, I didnt study enough either. Im using ninja only studying for the retake. Having sat through bec already im finding ninja mcqs most resemble what was on the exam compared to both roger and surgent. In short, ive found rogers videos and ninja mcqs to be my fav combo.

    As far as trending scores go they have been fairly accurate for me. Was trending upper 70's in far made an 80, mid 70s on aud and made an 82. Mid 60s on bec and made a 66. My score reports were avg on mcq and stronger on sims in both aud and far so mcq was probably dead on.

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