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October 28, 2017 at 9:47 pm #1655272
I’m study using UWorld Roger CPA Review and planning to take the exam after two weeks, I’ve read the book three times & did the MCQs once and I will do it again, do you think that is enough or should I go with the NINJA MCQs?
October 28, 2017 at 11:04 pm #1655287
Sweet<3 soon to be CPA
ParticipantI took BEC (3/2017) with Roger alone (passing).
Fast forward to Reg (July) and AUD (Sept). Both of these I used Roger but included Ninja MCQ. When test day rolled around I felt VERY comfy with the MCQ for both and passed 🙂
I LOVE Roger CPA lecture style but some of the MCQ I thought were confusing (some of the MCQ for both Ninja and Roger overlap). Ordinarily harder questions may help with the study process but I felt the Ninja MCQ more closely resembled the exam- the modules, wording, etc.
I am attempting the same with FAR currently.
Good Luck!
October 29, 2017 at 4:33 am #1655312Superdude3000
ParticipantIt is enough, but if you have the money then having a supplementary test bank is always a bonus.
November 1, 2017 at 10:52 pm #1657087Anonymous
InactiveRoger is enough for some people, and it isn't for other people. There's no way to tell until you start taking the tests. I failed BEC, AUD, and FAR and I have Roger. I'm not the only one who has repeatedly failed using his program. My opinion about Roger is that he's great if you are just out of school and recently took all your accounting courses, are really intelligent and a great test taker already, and just need a quick recap of everything. For those of us who have been out of school for awhile and focusing on other things in life and who have a lot of non-accounting responsibilities in addition to work, then he's not the best. If you're someone who learns from videos/audios, he can also be great. If you're someone who is more hands-on and not a passive learner, then his program is probably not the best.
It all depends on who you talk to, who has used Roger.
If you're considering something else, I'd recommend Ninja and the free test banks available online (Google them.) I'm pretty convinced that all anyone really needs is test bank questions to practice on like crazy. And what you don't know while working those questions, Google or Youtube it. Almost all the questions in Roger's and other program's test banks are old CPA exam questions written by the AICPA. You can find detailed explanations of the answers to most of them. I remember Googling some of Roger's questions and hit upon a crazy typewritten CPA exam from the Philippines from 1988!! I was saying to myself “OMG some of these test questions are at least 30 years old!”
Anyhow good luck. 🙂
November 2, 2017 at 1:13 am #1657145maxb
ParticipantI disagree with crazyleon. I had almost the exact opposite experience with roger. I was an older candidate and wasn’t free out of school. I used Becker for awhile and it wasn’t working. I switched to roger and it completely changed everything. That being said, for AUD and FAR I would get ninja test bank. Some people may need ninja testbank for REG too. It helped me to watch lectures and really listen to what roger was saying. If what he was saying was totally foreign to me, I’d pause and read that part of the roger book. If I didn’t understand a part of the lecture, I’d rewind and relisten a few times If necessary. For me, as odd as it sounds, roger was relatable and made things as fun as can be expected for CPA review. I agree with crazyleon that roger may glance over certain things and it is beneficial to look up videos on YouTube etc. investopedia was super helpful as well. If the book used a word or term I didn’t know, I looked it up. Good luck!
November 2, 2017 at 1:48 am #1657156Anonymous
InactiveYou see? It depends on who you talk to. It's like this for every single fricking thing about the CPA exam. Talk to one person, they say Becker is great.
Talk to someone else, they say “Wiley test bank and Ninja saved me after Roger bombed.” I'll be the first to tell you though that all of the vendors have their respective
faults. Except maybe Ninja, I don't hear a lot of complaints about it.Seriously when all else fails, Google or Youtube it. Or post your questions on here and see if someone can shed light on it.
November 2, 2017 at 9:25 am #1657192Anonymous
InactiveI've used Roger alone to pass FAR and AUD, 4 years out of school & never feeling like I truly understood what I was learning in college. So to answer your question, Roger alone can absolutely be good for you. It also might not be. It depends on your learning style. Roger is awesome for auditory learners or people who get bored easily.
November 2, 2017 at 10:31 am #1657219PNS2CLT
ParticipantThere's a major disconnect within these forums: every single review program is designed to be used standalone. It's absolutely silly to think that after paying $3,400 for Becker, you'd HAVE to spend an additional $500 for Ninja — the SAME MCQ in Ninja are in Becker, just presented differently. Of course, many of us (myself included) prefer the format of Nina, which begs the question why on Earth did you purchase Becker to begin with?
Generally, I suspect that few people put any research into the product they buy. Instead of finding the product that's right for them (and with close to a dozen major providers on the market, each with their unique styling, there IS a product for you), they pick the expensive product their firm pays for, or the one theirs friends used to get through the exam. Then ultimately, they purchase a supplement because they ****** up to begin with.
Each program offers either a sample and/or trial. The average candidate is going to spend ~800 or more hours studying for the exam — the equivalent of 30+ days. Take the time to explore the samples & trials, and find what's right for you! Avoid recommendations from your friends, but listen to why. And certainly, avoid recommendations from “review” websites that recommend the programs that pay the highest commission (of course, they don't tell you that!).
November 2, 2017 at 11:12 am #1657238TommyTheCat
Participantits different for everyone and one review course thats perfect for one could suck for the other. I've had great success so far with Roger, and haven't needed to supplement with anything else. I agree with PNS2CLT…one shouldnt need to supplement one course with another. Is it going to hurt? Of course not, more is always more, but is it worth it? I haven't felt unprepared for any of the 3 exams i've taken thanks to ROger's course. I just make sure I do the ENTIRE course, follow along in the books while he lectures, do all the IPQs and take notes on all questions missed. I then review all questions missed, review the sections I scored below a 75 in aggregate in, and then take a few practice simulated exams.
Good luck to you, with whichever course you choose. helpme has a good suggestion, use that link to compare all the big review providers and find the one that fits your learning style best. For me an engaging lecture is how i learn best, with reading along as the lecture goes and then seeing it done live a few times.
November 2, 2017 at 11:47 am #1657253shawn in VA
ParticipantI am 10 years out of school. I have roger and wiley. Roger is awesome for AUD. BEC roger was lacking. Wiley is very detailed and roger is more skimming over material. The MCQs are ok, but wiley has nice test bank and the homework questions really nail the concepts.
It is hard to say which is better. The lectures are much better for roger if you are a auditory learner.
I have the 2 programs stated above and at times use CPAREVIEWFORFEE.com and the AICPA online exam. That is more than enough questions to practice. That is at least 2,000 questions if not more
November 2, 2017 at 1:08 pm #1657289Tncincy
ParticipantI agree with the points that one review course can't fit all candidates. Unfortunately, we want to pass the exam so we pay for courses believing that this is the way to pass. It is depending on the learning styles, life situations and etc. I also agree with using the entire course. That has been my down fall, purchasing another course without using the entire current course. I got restless with Wiley and probably won't go back to it. I am using Ninja but purchased it in pieces and realized I didn't have what I need to nail down the concepts. I believe i have everything I need to pass now. Imo, doing mcq's without knowing the concepts is a waste of time. Again, some maybe be able to do 2000 mcq's and pass but there are so many that will not go that route. So the moral of the story is do what you have to do. If Roger works, use him if not find something else.
It begins with a 75
Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to passNovember 2, 2017 at 8:54 pm #1657547Anonymous
InactiveAt this point I'd almost recommend just buying Ninja. It was one of my old accounting instructors who said “Buy Roger or Gleim” and I picked Roger.
He was unfamiliar with Ninja, and as he'd never given me bad advice in the past, I trusted what he said. He said that plenty of his other students
had been passing quickly on Roger. Too bad I'm not one of them…not yet anyway. I looked at Becker too – the guy who tried to sell it to me was
like a snake oil salesman LOL! He cut the price in half to $1,600 but after hearing so much negativity about it on here, I opted for Roger.Like everything else about these crazy exams, it's all about finding what works for you. Unfortunately, for some of us, it's a more costly process than
for others, and not just in dollars.Whoever says “You don't need to supplement your review course” is 100% right. A review course should be good enough so that you don't need to buy more materials.
Although, it seems that's the way Ninja markets their products. Why, I don't know.November 3, 2017 at 10:23 am #1657780Sweet<3 soon to be CPA
ParticipantI used Roger only for BEC (March 2017). I passed but wasn't happy with my score – so for the second exam I got Ninja MCQ for REG (when you could buy each item individually). I didn't feel confident on the REG test as a whole but I did feel exceptionally confident on the MCQs – and I know it was because of Ninja. Ninja was a close set up to what you actually see on the exam – format and question type. With the Roger MCQ I felt that some of the questions were only meant to trick you – and to this day I haven't seen much of that on the actual exam. Although these tricks are designed to help understand the material, I didn't think it worked for me.
Although the exam format is 50/50 it does pay off to be stronger in one format- leaving some room for mistakes on the other. Since with a SIM you don't know what to expect this can be done by acing the MCQs and doing so so on SMS.
Roger is the best with Lectures – hands down and I wouldn't substitute it for any of the others. For me personally I just needed that extra push for MCQs – but in the end a pass is a pass and it is unique how each individual gets there 🙂
November 4, 2017 at 7:58 am #1658128Jdn9201
ParticipantRoger alone was more than enough for me. I loved his style – he even made me laugh and enjoy audit lectures and I hate audit. 🙂 I do see where maybe someone who has been out of school for a long time might have to supplement (especially for FAR). I loved his setup because I like a 10,000 ft view of everything bc I get through the material quicker. I also think that his MCQ bank was more than adequate. Matter of fact, I consistently scored about 10 points lower on the final practice exam for each section than I did on the real thing.
BEC - 88 8/29/15
REG - 82 11/14/15
AUD - 83 1/8/16
FAR - 80 2/29/16November 4, 2017 at 10:35 pm #1658455Anonymous
InactiveAs I have said in previous posts, Roger is the man. His sense of humour makes his videos far easier to get through, and I have to laugh at those who don't get it – particularly foreign candidates whose command of English may not be as strong. I hope those people can get thru his vids, I really do. But no doubt they miss a lot of his subtle and not-so-subtle risque anecdotes and are probably thinking “Huhhhh? What this have to do with accounting?” But, he talks very fast and as someone who has taught courses myself, it's easy for teachers to just assume that everyone knows the stuff already and they consequently rush through it. My students often told me to go back and repeat stuff, which I didn't mind doing. Luckily, you can always rewind on the vids.
My biggest gripe was with the tech support. Loads of problems there, and I was glad to see that I was in good company there (he has many Yelp reviews where people complained about the website). And the “Help Center” leaves much to be desired too. It usually took them a week or more before they answered my questions and by then I was already on to a new topic. Anyhow, if you're really intelligent and/or are good at memorizing stuff, you probably don't need anaything more than Roger. If you're not so intelligent and/or aren't good with memorizing stuff, probably best to just get a bunch of questions and practice on them instead of reading a review textbook and watching vids. Hands-on is the best way to prepare, I think, unless you know the stuff well already and just need 3-4 weeks of run-thru and recap before taking each section.
Okay, now let's have some posts of vehement disagreement with what I just said! lol
November 8, 2017 at 12:30 pm #1659817spazzdiva
ParticipantI have found that Roger alone has been more than enough preparation for me. I have passed BEC & REG this year, both on the first try, and am waiting on my score from my first attempt at FAR. Aside from the fabulous videos everyone hears about, I find the book really helpful to flip through and review concepts, and I have found that the practice questions are MORE than enough preparation for me. They have matched up well with what I've seen on the actual exam, and I find the answer explanations with Roger to be very thorough and helpful in my studying! I would agree that hands-on practice is incredibly important in preparing for the exams, but I have found that Roger serves me well in that realm. Additionally, having the solid course behind the multiple choice to help me fill in the holes in my knowledge really helped me out in passing – being able to easily reference the material the questions were related to was SO so helpful to me.
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