Anybody pass the FAR Exam using only Roger ?

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  • #1616519

    I’m getting ready to start studying for FAR and have limited my options down between Wiley CPAexcel and UWorld Roger CPA Review. I heard Roger does a good job teaching the material, but the MCQ are very weak compared to other study programs. Would appreciate some feedback.


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  • #1616631

    I took FAR in Q2. I thought I failed but I ended up passing with an 81. I used only Roger. I was quite skeptical about Roger's self-proclaimed 88% pass rate until I found out I passed.

    I watched all the lectures and answered maybe 50% of the MCQ's and did maybe 20% of the TBS. I think that if someone watches all his lectures (and understands them) and answers all practice problems once (and reviews the wrong answers), they will pass FAR even if they don't feel prepared going into the test.

    The lectures do a good job of explaining the concepts of the material, and the MCQ's do a good job of hammering home the heavily tested nuances. If you're a conceptual learner I am, I can't recommend Roger enough.


    @LawGuy how long did you study for ? I plan on doing about 3 months, only because I work 60 hours and it's tough trying to squeeze in a solid 2 hours some days after work.


    I only used Roger to pass all 4 exams. FAR, BEC, and AUD on first try, REG on the second try. I did not use any supplement.

    I studied FAR for 1 month while working 50+ hours, but this was before the change. I watched all the lectures and I did about 300mcq. I passed with 81.

    shawn in VA

    I have Roger- the 88% is a stretch not even sure how that is possible.

    He was outright terrible in BEC. So much stuff was NOT even covered compared to exam.

    I bought Wiley- WAAAAY better, more thorough, more organized study planner. Keep in mind though it is time consuming to go through it. for AUD it took me close to 100 hours an does not include reading the book b/c I had no time. Hence the 69. BTW I have ZERO audit experience and 10 years out of school so I was surprised I even got a 69 by watching videos and doing maybe 70% of the questions.


    @mynameistim7788 I studied FAR for 4 months. I graduated from my accounting undergrad back in 2011, so I was pretty rusty on my accounting knowledge. I think 3 months is enough time.


    I took FAR because in Q4 2016 and found Roger to be good for FAR.

    I watched all the lecture videos, did about 200 MCQs and all the class questions in his book.

    Then I supplemented with the AICPA released exams and passed with 85.

    As long as you understand the concepts, I think the lectures are enough

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