Trending Score Same As Average. Is This Bad?

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  • #2434332

    NINJA Question –

    I currently have an average score of 56 and a trending score of 56 with a total of 1320 question attempts and 605 questions not seen. Is it a bad thing that my trending and actual are the same? Am I on track?

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  • #2434542

    I'm tempted to say yes. With an average/trending of 56%, this tells me you're not understanding why you're missing the questions. Generally, we expect the initial scores to be lower as you see new topics that you're not familiar with/haven't learned yet. As you miss questions, you should make sure you understand the concepts. When you see more questions on topics you now understand, you should be scoring higher. Being 2/3 of the way through with questions, you've seen enough that you should be familiar with almost all of the topics now. Scoring just over half tells me there are fundamental shortcomings in major concepts, not minor details. You need to take a step back, and figure out what is needed to actually learn the lessons. Remember, progress on MCQ is meaningless if you don't understand why.


    @Chandler that's the thing though is I do feel like I get the concepts and my more recent scores have all been 65% or higher (most recent 5 I averaged an 80%). I'm wondering if it's because my scores were so low for a while?


    @chandler, would it be profitable to go topic by topic if the trending score is not moving? That was my problem besides not doing enough questions.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Once I got closer to my test date i wiped my Ninja history clean and started over which i felt gave me a truer Trending score to where i was at now. It also allowed me to see which areas i was still weak in and which areas i could review less because i was really strong in it. Plus when i did random questions i would pull from all not just the ones I hadn't answered yet.

    Hope that helps


    @Cukelotter, I didn't use NINJA, so I don't have a solid understanding of how their algorithm process works to get to your trending score. It could just be that you have a long back-log of lower scores that are taking a while to move. Your scores should be higher. I personally would recommend you aim for averaging 85-90% as a good sign you're ready to sit.

    @Tnincy, I think it's generally helpful to move topic by topic in whatever review course you're doing. Unless you have a somewhat extensive history in it, I think it's tough to “cheat” by jumping straight to the MCQ. I've found very few people who can be successful without either watching lectures or reading the book. Again, I don't know enough about the NINJA algorithm to see exactly how it works. But if your scores aren't getting better as you go on, it means you're not learning what you need to. It might be 1 area or it might be 12 you're short in. If you can't identify the area(s) with some confidence, I think it's time for a re-boot.


    @Sandra thank you so much! That's great advice!


    @chandler, Thanks for the advice. I appreciate the honesty that I am forced to realize. So back to beginning I am going. Thanks again. Too late to quit now.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Cukelotter – I would reset your stats…plenty of people do that.

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