Trending or Average

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  • #1859917

    NINJA Question –

    Which one is THE one to really pay attention to? Trending or average?


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  • #1860754

    Trending. But average should be within 10 or so percent of trending otherwise you could be just memorizing answers


    Really, trending should be more important. BUT, you should ask yourself why the trending is higher than average. If it's higher because you reviewed the concepts and have learned/improved your deficiencies, then you have done well. If its higher because you memorized the answer running through questions, then trending means nothing.

    In my opinion, if you can't explain an answer to someone with a minor background in accounting, then you don't understand it well enough.


    So how do you overcome such difference? By resetting? I was at 75% Average and a 93% Trending (reached review phase) and made a 73. I am trying to figure out what went wrong. I felt like I was making progress and not memorizing. Any particular way you are using the NINJA MCQs then please let me know. I started off with Becker and after finishing it I started pounding NINJA mcqs.

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