Take FAR or REG next? (P.S. THANKS NINJA for getting me over the hump!)

  • Creator
  • #202674

    First and foremost – I cannot praise the NINJA program enough.

    I’m absolutely ecstatic about receiving a passing score tonight.. I’m not really even sure I’m allowed to post these kinds of things – however in case everyone is wondering, A71 didn’t pay me to post this. In fact, I’m going to be the one giving A71 more of MY money tonight when I decide which section to take next. (cha-ching!)

    This is my first time back at BEC since “taking a break” from the CPA exam in 2014… here was my BEC track record then:

    07/2013: 72 (Wiley testbank/ book)

    10/2013 63 (Wiley testbank/ book)

    01/2014: 72 (Wiley testbank/ book, plus Ninja notes & audio)

    05/2014: 72 (Wiley testbank/ book, plus Ninja notes & audio)

    08/2014: 70 (Wiley testbank/ book, plus Ninja notes & audio)

    ***Lost my only credit (AUD) on 09/2014, so it was time to take a needed break/re-evaluate***

    My first run back at BEC is as follows:

    05/2016: 80

    (NINJA MCQs, notes, audio, and blitz + some AICPA released question print outs + some CPA free review questions)

    What section should I take next? I feel like I’m weaker at REG (tax + b-law), however FAR is notorious for being difficult. Thoughts?

    AUD - 74, 77! (1/2016)
    BEC - 80! (5/2016)
    REG - tbd (8/2016)
    FAR - tbd

    Study materials: NINJA MCQ/Audio/Notes

    "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"

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  • Author
  • #780952

    Congratulations on passing AUD and BEC!

    One option that you can do is:

    1. Study for REG from 6/09 to 7/23 for 6 weeks, and take the exam around 7/23.

    2. Study for FAR from 7/24 to 9/10 for 7 weeks, and take the exam on 9/10.

    3. Study for FAR from 9/11 to October if a retake is necessary.
    This route will give you more consecutive time to study for FAR.

    4. Retake REG in December if needed.

    FAR: (05/24/16) | (07/15/16) | (10/22/16)
    AUD: (09/07/16) | (11/29/16) |
    BEC: TBD
    REG: TBD
    Using Roger CPA Review + Ninja (MCQs, Notes, Audio)

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