Supplement with Ninja MCQ for FAR

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  • #200809

    NINJA Question –

    Hi everyone,

    Have anyone studied Wiley Cpaexcel as main review course and supplemented with Ninja MCQ for FAR section and passed the exam at the first try? If you did, how did you do a final review before the exam between Cpaexcel and Ninja MCQ? please help! Thank you

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  • #762611

    I used CPAExcel to learn the material (watched lectures, took notes, finished MCQ). For my final review, I reviewed all my notes, reviewed NINJA notes 5 times through and completed roughly 300 Ninja MCQ per day for the last 2 weeks – focusing on my weak spots for the last 3 days. I constantly did MCQ while learning the material though so ended up completing 10K questions although the test bank was roughly 1/5 of that. Trended 82, scored a 77. Good luck and don't be intimidated by the amount of material. It's equally difficult for everyone.


    Hi dankspu,
    How did you take notes from both review courses? in your own words for concepts or you just copied exact in the text book for your reference. For FAR, how did you learn materials as memorize all the hard formulas and long calculation problems? Also, are the Cpaexcel and Ninja's MCQ/TBS similar or almost the same questions on the actual exam on test day?


    My notes were mostly from the lectures in CPAExcel. If I didn't understand a concept, I read more about it in the text. I memorized most of the formulas from the lectures and honestly, Ninja notes really helped simplify the long formulas. CPAExcel and Ninja MCQ have some overlap but Ninja MCQ is way more comprehensive IMO. Definitely helps you prepare for the exam.


    So, should I buy Ninja notes and MCQ for my additional practice questions? or just the MCQ is fine. I really want to study the right ways and pass all exams at the first time. thank you


    I used CPAExcel for FAR…and it was only the 10 days of non-stop Ninja MCQ that got me the passing grade. Best money I've ever spent, hands down.

    @ipham: I can only speak for the MCQ. Get it, and do as many as humanly possible until your trending score is 85 or better (I say this as someone who only managed to get a 76 trending score and still passed FAR).


    I would recommend the notes. The CPAExcel book is pretty big. You will see as you study that in FAR you will start to forget stuff pretty easily bc of the amount of the material. The Notes will help you remember the important stuff as you progress in your studies, they will also help you know were to focus(in the book it is easy to get lost and not know what it is important and where to focus). These two things are important specially in your last two weeks. Also I found that they simplified some of the important concepts, some things I did not understand quite well until I saw them on the Notes.


    @Bear- Bear!
    Did you re-read/review in Wiley cpaexcel text book course outline while practicing Ninja MCQ for your more understanding/ refer to topic that are shown in MCQ again for your final review weeks? or did you write down notes in Ninja MCQs for learning the topics and concepts and understand why you got wrong answer? please give me more advice and tips on your studying methods to success. Thank you:)


    So you studied mostly on Ninja notes but not the cpaexcel book? The book is thick and I wont remember lots of stuff toward my final review time. I will buy the notes and MCQ to supplement with Wiley as well. thank you


    I used the Wiley book as a supplement to the Ninja products to get a different perspective when I felt that I needed it. But I relied mostly on the Ninja book, notes, audio and mcqs. But in Wiley you will find everything you need, I just could not handled the size of the book.


    @ipham – I did review a few problem areas in Wiley. But I didnt take any practice tests or anything. I wrote down concepts that I kept missing in the book, and focused on trouble areas. I did like 95% Ninja MCQs in the 10 days before the exam. I also got lucky, because I didn't really review sims (I did the ones in Wiley, but none in ninja).


    ipham – Obviously everyone's study habits and learning curves are different. One person's formula might not work for another. I would suggest you get the Ninja Notes and constantly review them to keep old material fresh. Use CPAExcel to learn the material and just start pounding away on the Ninja MCQ until you are sick of them. Trending 85% is a good target. For the last few weeks, keep doing problems and focus on your weak areas.


    @BearBear! Are either questions on Cpaexcel practice past exams or Ninja MCQs similar or almost the same concepts on the real exam like just number of calculations change and wording? Most people have said that the questions on real exam are easier than both these review courses questions. Is it true? If i buy Ninja MCQ and notes, Jeff will email them to me so I can download to study or I have to log in the account to study the MCQ software. No physical notes right? Thank you.

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