My honest opinion of the notecards was “meh”. I already had the Becker notecards so I used those. I haven't utilized any electronic notecards cause if I'm on the computer, I'm probably doing MCQs or watching a lecture. I don't have much time during the day to get on my phone either and I know that was a nice feature.
Bue DEFINITELY get the NINJA notes for FAR. As I said, the seciton on IFRS was extremely helpful. Having it all in one place was great to really drive home those points as you'll definitely have IFRS scattered throughout your exam.
I would read through the Becker Final Review book a few times and then switch it up and read through the NINJA notes a few times. I always found a small fact or tidbit I didn't read or understand through Becker and vice versa.
Also, when printing the NINJA notes, print two slides to a page, front and back. Saves a ton of paper and helps minimize the packet so easier to manage.
The NINJA cartoon guy was funny at the gym because I would read on the eliptical and I figured that people would see the little guy and assume I was reading a Dragon Ball Z narrative of some sort.