Should I buy NINJA Audio?

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    I am taking REG November 30 and will be spending a considerable amount of time in the car before my exam, so I was thinking about buying the NINJA audio set. However, I can’t decide whether to just buy REG or buy the whole set. I have Becker CPA review, so is the audio really helpful outside of that? Just asking for some advice from others that have used the audio and those that have used both Becker and the audio.


    BEC- 84 - First Attempt
    REG- 83 - First Attempt
    FAR- April 5, 2013
    AUD- February 9, 2013

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  • #380890

    Be sure to listen to the free samples (click Free)

    Also – this thread may help:


    I have used the audio for FAR and REG and enjoyed (well, as much as you can enjoy cpa audio lectures…perhaps I should say utilized?) both.

    On my FAR exam, there were a few questions that I was able to answer soley because I remembered them from the audio. I liked that FAR was shorter (3 hrs vs. 4.5 hrs) and I could usually get through the whole thing in a day during my commute, but find the audio more useful for REG because there is a a larger amount of theory based material (biz law) on that exam. That leads me to believe that AUD and BEC would be awesome because it is almost all theory.

    I would say if you don't pass BEC, get the set for the discount. If you pass, just get REG and add FAR and AUD as you need them. Unless Jeff would give you a discount on the 3rd one if you buy them all at once.

    Good luck with REG! What do you think of Becker? I am using CPA Excel and supplementing with Yaeger for topics I struggle with and Wiley test bank.

    BEC 81
    AUD 76
    FAR 70, 76
    REG 58, 78! DONE!

    "I am not my intentions. I am my actions."


    I've posted this before so I had to go find it again. These are my REG Scores:

    Gleim = 61

    Gleim + Wiley = 61

    Yaeger = 70

    Yaeger + Wiley = 70

    Roger + Wiley = 71

    Roger + Wiley = 69

    Ninja Notes + Ninja Audio + Wiley = 84

    Any questions?


    Thanks for the input! I like Becker okay. I wish it had a bigger test bank so that you don't end up repeating questions through the process of studying. After taking BEC I would prefer to have extra material to supplement studying with.

    BEC- 84 - First Attempt
    REG- 83 - First Attempt
    FAR- April 5, 2013
    AUD- February 9, 2013

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