Retaking REG in early July: Should I reset my NINJA MCQ stats?

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  • #202693

    I took REG on 5/31 and just found out yesterday that I scored a 71, hence I am about to dive back into the NINJA MCQ. The catch is, I’m in the Adaptation stage and have an overall trending score of 79%. Should I reset my stats and start over, or continue on? Since its been a tad over a week since I sat for the test, it’s still fairly fresh in my head. Figured I’d get some folks’ two cents on this.

    REG - 62, 71, 72 (Rematch sometime in October)
    AUD - 65, 69, 70, 73, 72, 81 (Exp. 4/30/2017)
    FAR - 61
    BEC - 57, 73, 75 (Expired)

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  • #781051

    This is a brand new test, what you scored prior doesn't matter. I would reset it so that you have a chance to correctly figure the ones that you previously missed.

    You should always approach a retest as if it is your first time taking the test I think. You aren't 4 points away from a 75, you are 75 points way.

    Good luck!

    REG: 80 (02/19/16)
    AUD: 83 (04/11/16)
    BEC: 78 (05/28/16)
    FAR: ?


    Reset the Ninja MCQ. This is a new test.

    BEC Feb 2015 68 - rematch Apr 2015 - 84
    FAR July 2015 77
    AUD Oct 2015 74 Feb 2016 71 April 2016 85
    REG Jan 2016 67 July 2016


    I am retaking REG in July also and didn't even think about resetting the MCQ. Good idea!! Thank you!

    AUD - 74,72,74,73,67,80
    BEC - 69,80
    FAR - 50,51,50,74,71,79
    REG - 69, 72, 81.. and I am DONE...


    AUD - 74,72,74,73,67,80
    BEC - 69,80
    FAR - 50,51,50,74,71,79
    REG - 69, 72, 81.. and I am DONE...

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