Retaking FAR on NOV 23. Use Jeff's NINJA style of studying?

  • Creator
  • #162506
    Jimbo Slice

    I’m a proponent of Jeff’s NINJA studying method. I recently asked a question a few weeks back on how I should tackle FAR again for the 2nd time and he replied by saying that I should start fresh again because most of the information isn’t as ingrained as it was when I was studying for FAR a few months ago (which is true).

    Now my concern is with Becker’s ridiculously long lectures in FAR. By pausing to take notes, it would easily take 40 solid hours to cover the lectures. Given that I have 3 weeks until D-Day, I’m concerned that I might now be allocating my time efficiently? Assuming I could get the lectures done in 1 week, leaving 2 weeks to jam as much MCQ down my throat as possible. Is this reasonable? Should I just ditch the videos?

    Half the time I feel like I’m not retaining a lot of the information because I’m moving from lecture to lecture as fast as I can (while taking notes). As many of you who have taken FAR already know, some of the calculations can be very detailed, along with bologna IFRS integration makes it extremely voluminous and daunting. I’m about to go CRAZY! Any advice is much appreciated. I will be supplementing with Wiley FAR MCQ.

    FAR - 8/30/11 [60] | 11/23/11 [88]
    REG - 10/28/11 [84]
    BEC - 1/2/12
    AUD - 1/21/12

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  • Author
  • #305506

    I am in the same boat as you bud, taking FAR for a second time on the 23rd and I am only half way through the 3rd lecture. However, I do feel that I am getting through the material much quicker than the first time – just hope I finish all the material in time before the test. Good luck!

    REG 81
    FAR 70,85
    BEC 81
    AUD 91


    I recall reading an article here (by Jeff) on how to pass in 20 days. It sounded like a good plan, and if I remember correctly, he suggested not watching the lectures at this point. You only have 20 days left!!

    This is the link to the article:

    and this is the link to the thread where Jeff posted the link to the article (in case you're interested)

    I've had times when I ran out of time and just stopped watching the lectures and instead focused on minimal studying and doing mcqs mcqs mcqs.

    It's definitely possible to pass if you set your mind to it!! Best of luck!


    Thanks for linking to it Acct.


    No prob.

    I've found that article very helpful, thank you.

    Hustle Darling!

    I've modified the NINJA method because I'm anal and I couldn't handle the thought of doing all of the MCQs at once or having all of those notes to rewrite at once. I was also going crazy!

    So I take “messy” notes while watching a lecture. The first time was definitely an aha moment! I feel like I am really retaining the information (great confidence booster). I then re-write my notes and do the MCQs marking the Q's that I got wrong or required too much thought.

    This worked until I got to Intercompany – WTH Becker! But I kept it moving and will come back to this section later.

    Roger CPA Review
    FAR - 5/31/16

    Jimbo Slice

    @Jeff or anyone. In your opinion, would you finish the videos if you could finish then in 1 week and do MCQ for the remaining 2 weeks or just go full out MCQ for 3 weeks? I guess the 20 day plan can go both ways, but in the case of re-studying, what would be advisable?


    FAR - 8/30/11 [60] | 11/23/11 [88]
    REG - 10/28/11 [84]
    BEC - 1/2/12
    AUD - 1/21/12

    Hustle Darling!

    @Jimbo Slice I feel like you need to watch the videos. This way you will have covered the material several different ways (listening, writing, reading MCQ answers) which will help with retention.

    Roger CPA Review
    FAR - 5/31/16

    Jimbo Slice

    Yeah I feel the same way. I'll try to jam through the videos as quickly as I can while taking notes and then start hammering MCQ. There's just a ridiculous amount of info so I feel like I can't get it 100% before moving onto the next topic. My guess is because FAR is computation heavy, applying the concepts is the only way to get it nailed down (which is why I get anxious when I start watching lectures – I just want to apply what I learned to MCQ's but I have to wait…) We'll see how this plan turns out. Thanks guys!

    FAR - 8/30/11 [60] | 11/23/11 [88]
    REG - 10/28/11 [84]
    BEC - 1/2/12
    AUD - 1/21/12


    Only you can know what will work best for you. However, sometimes watching the lectures takes longer than anticipated…I've had to cut short watching the lectures when I was running out of time. But if you manage to cram them in and still do all that other stuff, great!!

    Good luck!

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