Research Simulations NINJA users

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  • #1473663

    NINJA Question –

    I am sure I could head on over the AICPA website and pull up a practice test to find out the answer to my question (or maybe not), but I figure I’d take the easy way out…

    The format that the Research questions are presented in NINJA MCQ make it seem like all you have to do is have a rough understanding of utilizing key words in a search engine and a rudimentary grasp on the English language. Are the Exam Research questions the same? Can it really be that easy?

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  • Author
  • #1473672

    studying for FAR, by the way… perhaps I am underestimating the difficulty in finding authoritative literature in another section – REG comes to mind.


    c'mon… anyone? Are the Exam Research questions similar to the NINJA Research questions, in simplicity of fields to complete? 21 hours – tick,tock people.

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