Re-writing NINJA Notes

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  • #185590

    NINJA Question –

    This may sound like a stupid question, but how exactly do you guys do this to be the most effective?

    Do you read 1-5 words and rewrite, then look back and forth writing the 1-5 word chunks?

    OR do you read a line, and then rewrite in your own words?

    If one was bad enough to do one word at a time and go back and forth to write word for word I think the absorption of the information might be poor……..I know that would be an extreme exaggeration, but do you get what I’m saying?

    I guess I am just asking if you guys write word for word or if you rewrite in your own words?

    Does anyone re-TYPE? Or is that not recommended and writing a better method?

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  • #553677
    Determined CPA

    Word for word. Due to the bullet point format, there aren't many full sentences.

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    Some have typed out the notes….I write them word for word. I stop worrying about them being neat because I will not read them again. I guess the point is write until it stick. I'm still waiting for it to stick… I will keep writing. It's like learning spellling words, write 20 times, then at test time you will know how to spell. So at test time we will know FAR (fingers crossed) all we need is a 75. Even though I enjoyed those 100's on the spelling test.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Some have typed out the notes….I write them word for word. I stop worrying about them being neat because I will not read them again. I guess the point is write until it stick. I'm still waiting for it to stick… I will keep writing. It's like learning spellling words, write 20 times, then at test time you will know how to spell. So at test time we will know FAR (fingers crossed) all we need is a 75. Even though I enjoyed those 100's on the spelling test.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I took notes while watching the videos and then typed them, including MCQs notes. I also read the book while I was reviewing and took notes on word instead of handwriting them. It was easier to review notes in pdf format.

    - "Of all people, you know who I am… who the world needs me to be. I’m Wonder Woman."


    Try and write as many words as you can before looking back. When you look back, check what you just wrote and then read the next line or two. Push yourself to remember what you just read, but don't beat yourself up if you keep looking back every two words. Your eyes, brain, arm and hand will get tired.

    Just know that alot of thought went into the wording of the notes and they convey the information effectively. Rewording is okay, but be confident that your are not losing the effectiveness.

    I used penS and paper. Imagine your pen strokes are engraving knowledge into your grey matter. Or you are dragging that pen through a very long maze. Crafting a letter with a pen takes more focus than pounding a plastic key.

    Good luck man!!!

    Licensed Texas CPA


    My method, at least for REG, while my main sources is Becker, I read the Becker book and do all MCQ's. I then read the Ninja notes 5 times. I then redo all the MCQ's and type out why the answer is right or wrong, as well as take notes on the additional “fact” nuggets provided by Becker. I then write out my Ninja notes and compile my typed notes into one masterpiece. I then read those notes 10 times. I then do as many MCQ's again. Low and behold….all the information seems to sink in.

    AUD: April 2014 - 85
    REG: May 2014 - 83
    BEC: July 2014 - 82
    FAR: August 2014 - 83

    I'M DONE!!


    My method for AUD was to take the Ninja Notes and my notes and start rewriting the Ninja Notes and adding my notes in as I went along. I wrote everything word for word and if anything duplicated between the two I just rewrote it once for a complete set of notes. I had 74 pages of handwritten notes when I was finished. I used that during my review. I would reread a section of notes then go through the MCQ without looking at my notes. If I got it wrong I looked in my notes to see if I had the information in there. If it wasn't, I added it so leave a blank page after each section to add additional notes. I went section by section during my review this way. For FAR I didn't rewrite my notes because I had 100+ pages of typed notes. I can't even imagine how much that would have equated to if I had hand written it all out.


    Just wondering, how many times do you rewrite notes? I started to write mine, does it need to be rewritten multiple times?

    BEC: 5/21/14 82! PASSED HALF WAY THERE!
    FAR: 4/2/15 80! Almost there!
    AUD: 69, 74, 4/3/14 81! PASSED
    REG: TBD


    I only rewrote AUD once, but it's really up to you and how much time you have.


    how long does it take you guys to re-write the notes?

    thinking about picking them up for REG but short on time

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee


    I don't know how long it took. I would write until my hand started hurting and then quiz on the sections I rewrote without looking at my notes. Then I would write the next day until my hand started hurting and quiz on those sections. Repeated that until I was done with everything. I think I averaged about 10-15 pages per day so it took me almost 5 days to get through them all, but I was quizzing too.


    It depends on how long your hand can hold up. For REG, it's about 130+ pages, plus the additional notes I took while working through Becker, I have about 180 pages. I try to do 30 pages a day, so it took me around 6 days. It's well worth it. But if you are late in the game, just continuously read the notes until you are blue in the face. I did that for AUD and got a 93.

    AUD: April 2014 - 85
    REG: May 2014 - 83
    BEC: July 2014 - 82
    FAR: August 2014 - 83

    I'M DONE!!


    It depends on how long your hand can hold up. For REG, it's about 130+ pages, plus the additional notes I took while working through Becker, I have about 180 pages. I try to do 30 pages a day, so it took me around 6 days. It's well worth it. But if you are late in the game, just continuously read the notes until you are blue in the face. I did that for AUD and got a 93.

    AUD: April 2014 - 85
    REG: May 2014 - 83
    BEC: July 2014 - 82
    FAR: August 2014 - 83

    I'M DONE!!

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