Pass FAR in 6 weeks using only Ninja?

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    I sit for FAR in November, is 6 weeks enough study time and is it possible to pass using only NINJA? I also have the Becker review course (firm paid for it) which I used to study for AUD in August and I failed with a 64 (woo). Personally, I like the Ninja materials better but I keep bouncing between Becker and Ninja and realize that I don’t have a clear study path.

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  • #3114625

    Yes, you can pass only using Ninja, and it could be doable in 6 weeks, but I feel that is a lot to cover and do in just 6 weeks. Don't hold me to it, but I think Jeff has a more aggressive study planner for those who are short on time for taking an exam. Might be worth it to check that out, and adapt it to your study needs.

    If you need or want encouragement on those who used Ninja only to pass these exams, I would check some of these threads out:

    Good luck! Let's know how it goes if you decide to sit for FAR in Nov.


    It is possible to pass with ninja only, you’ll have to find the link to read the stories of success. You will have to be focused and disciplined to get it done in 6 weeks. Some have done it in less, don’t know about the success though. Focus, discipline, and a diligent study plan is the key. Don’t forget to tell us the results.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    You probably can (?)… Although the odds are not in your favor. You can get Roger and pay around $1,500 for their whole elite package (all sections until your pass) or one section for like $600 if I remember correctly, this will increase your chances of passing to %90. Also you can use their cram course if you're short on time. Do the math, each section is like $200-$300? If you won't have a full review course you'll probably won't pass on your first try so you'll have to pay for another exam (that could happen for multiple sections) so you'll end up paying the money anyway. You get amazing value for your money with Roger and his course is excellent, I highly recommend it!

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