Off to a horrible start on REG Ninja MCQs

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  • #202781

    NINJA Question –

    I’m about 375 questions into it, and I’m doing so incredibly awful. Trending 66%. This tax stuff is so tedious… REG is so much harder than FAR. I’m not sure how it has the second highest pass rate. Not a good time, folks. Not a good time at all.

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  • #781502

    Four things:
    1. If they are anything like Becker, the questions tend to be harder and some informal online studies have suggested that points from study questions/practice tests were 10-12% lower than actual.
    2. The study materials are likely emphasizing the more difficult topics that can cost you valuable points, but they tend to over weight them to help induce the effect noted in #1 and to make you think that the difficult topics are targeted.
    3. Another part of it is that your % on the exam does not translate to your score, because not all questions are worth the same number of points.
    4. So with all of that, you may be closer to a 70 if you took the exam right now, but you're not taking the exam right now, you're studying, you do questions, and learn from them, then you re-do them and keep re-doing them until its hammered into your brain. Chin up, I took the practice exam from Becker two days before I took AUD (my first test) and I almost cried when I got a 59. Two days later I earned my 92 on AUD.

    AUD - 92
    BEC - 89
    REG - 86
    FAR - 92
    One and done!

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