NINJA500 Weekend Challenge is Back - Page 3

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  • #186450

    NINJA Question –

    The NINJA500 MCQ Challenge is Back!

    Work 500 NINJA MCQ this weekend, get 1 week access to NINJA BLITZ when the July update is released next week.

    Details here:

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  • #577514

    What is working for me is doing the MCQs in blocks of 30 at a time and then taking short breaks in between. Time consuming but its working!

    FAR: 79
    AUD: 81

    Using CPA Excel, NINJA notes and audio, NINJA MCQs


    I am doing questions in blocks of 20, trying to crank out as many in a row as I can, but I am not hesitating to take a break in between if I need to, finishing 500 in a couple of days is only great if I am focused through them. I would much rather get through 300-400 and really understand than get through 500 and only understand 200.

    BEC is coming up quick though, gotta do it! I procrastinated a little and I am paying for it now!


    How is everyone's scores in the MCQs? I seem to be doing low to mid 70s, not sure if it should be higher, but they are tough!

    FAR: 79
    AUD: 81

    Using CPA Excel, NINJA notes and audio, NINJA MCQs


    I remember reading one of Jeff's post stating the trending score should be around 85%.


    ^^ that is easier said than done, you should know it pretty well if you are that high though.


    Your scores really depend on a couple of things. I'm scoring in the 50s, but I'm using the MCQ to learn the material. I have notes compiled from a couple of different review courses, but didn't watch lectures and didn't read any books so the 50s is exactly where I expect to be going through the material for the first time. I read through a section of notes, then start answering the questions that pertain to that section in 30 question blocks. As I go through I make additional notes of anything that wasn't in my original set of notes…adding more detail, additional concepts, memory tricks, etc. If you've watched lectures or read a book then I would expect your first pass to be in the 60s or low 70s. You really shouldn't expect to score in the 80s until you are in review mode and close to taking the real exam.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    I'm doing this. On #2 😉

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    It's t-storm and raining hard in IL.

    The lights are flickering…hopefully we don't lose electricity so I can finish my MCQ.


    I think I'm going to call it a night for tonight- been going nonstop since 8am, got 250 MCQs down and will finish the rest tomorrow. Going to try to relax and give my brain a rest so I don't burn out.

    Good luck everyone!!

    FAR: 79
    AUD: 81

    Using CPA Excel, NINJA notes and audio, NINJA MCQs


    14 total study hours between yesterday and today and I've done 357 MCQ (would have gotten more in but got a massive headache that put me out for a few hours today). It's a slow, slow process, but I'm learning. 🙂 I'll shoot for the remainder tomorrow after the kids go to bed, but I think I can safely say I will not make the 500 minimum this weekend. Oh well–it was still worth it!

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Is the challenge based on EST or PST?


    It's whatever you need it to be 🙂


    300 down, 200 to go!


    I saw this a day too late, but I am so in for next weekend!

    BEC: 73, 81
    AUD: 85
    FAR: 71, 77
    REG: 74, 75...finally DONE! 😀

    *This is my 2nd attempt at the CPA exam. For all of you who have failed this exam many times, given up on it, or taken a break like me, remember that it is still possible to finish what you started...failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently 🙂


    350 down!!

    FAR: 79
    AUD: 81

    Using CPA Excel, NINJA notes and audio, NINJA MCQs

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