Ninja study notes for FAR?

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  • #176380

    I was thinking about buying FAR ninja study notes since they have very good reviews. I just wanted to know if they are up to date for 2013 exam materials? Does anyone know? I have already failed this exam twice 41 and 57, and really don’t want to fail it again. Can anyone give some tips? I have been using becker self-study and just went over lucture twice, examples in lecture, and end of chapter questions. What else can I do different?

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  • #398412

    They're up to date for 2013.

    Since you are looking for feedback – something is really missing from your study prep with 41 and 57.

    I don't think the ninja notes are the magic bullet to get you a 75 – I think you need to completely revamp how you're studying.

    You need to be taking tons of notes and working MCQs until you want to puke. Time to get medieval and attack!


    I took an advise from a friend who said he went over lecture multiple times and was able to pass with 94…clearly that didn't work for me. I'll need to take this more seriously like you said.

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