NINJA Study Framework Question – Videos

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    Hey everyone, this is my first post here. I found this website while Googling “CPA Exam Study Motivation”. I’ve been at my wits end, and found that the NINJA Study prep definitely suits my preferred study habits.

    Anywho, I have the Gleim CPA Review course and find that their current method of study doesn’t work well with me. So, I am going to incorporate the NINJA study habits into the Gleim material.

    My question…the first item in the NINJA is Nail the Videos. Gleim’s videos are just powerpoints presentations with audio. is this an acceptable to fit the NINJA framework, or are there more preffered review videos out there? I would hate to have to repurchase material.


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    I think Jeff meant that if you have time, it would always be good for you to listen to the audio, however, it is true that some audio just read out of the textbook (like Becker).

    If you are a reading person, then I suggest you go straight to the book. I am not a reading person so I like to listen to the audio and then read the book because I can't get the material by just reading the book one time, I have to read it 5 times in order to get it so I found the audio to be helpful.

    however, some people said that if you are under time pressure, always just go with the MCQ and learn from there.

    Good Luck 🙂



    For Audit, after I got done studying with Becker, I went to Jeff's Ninja Notes, OMG, they are SO helpful and a nice review 🙂 I sure hope I pass this time, if that is the case, I really have to thank you Jeff.

    I also suggest you to go to youtube and take a look at some Roger video. I hate to purchase another review course but I am thinking about getting Roger for Audit because he is so awesome. Currently i have Becker and Wiley and Ninja Notes.



    Regarding “I found this website while Googling “CPA Exam Study Motivation”.”

    -Did you check out the motivational video of the day thread on here?


    Good luck studying!

    Hustle Darling!

    @CMaxwell, to me Nail the Videos means that I listen to each Becker lecture and take my own notes while listening. I make sure that my notes are legible and make sense without having to refer to the book or lecture again. I will re-write my notes as part of my review before the test. The writing and re-writing is part of committing the information to memory. As @atelery, you definitely have to have the time to do this.

    Roger CPA Review
    FAR - 5/31/16


    Thanks for the input everyone. It has helped.

    With the Gleim material I have, there isn't much as a “lecture series” of videos, but audio & visual guides to the material (Pretty much just recapping the book chapters). I think this will be sufficient enough to watch, take notes, and accompany with the books to fit into the Nail the Videos function.

    Its a big change for me in the traditional sense of “study each chapter”, then test on it, and move on. I see the value in leaving the MCQ's until after notes/videos, as I would have definitely forgotten the material after I test on it and move on. Its just going to take some discipline to not go straight to the MCQ's after each study unit.

    I'm currently studying for BEC, so wish me luck guys.



    “-Did you check out the motivational video of the day thread on here?”

    No, but I'm going to now.

    Thanks for the tip!

    Hustle Darling!

    @CMaxwell, I still did MCQs after each lecture. I couldn't fathom waiting until after all of the lectures. I think that Jeff's method is good, but you can definitely modify it so suit you. However, I know that by Nailing the Lectures I am understanding the information instead of memorizing it. Creating your own notes and MCQs are key.

    Roger CPA Review
    FAR - 5/31/16

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