NINJA Review

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  • #1836559

    Hey everyone,

    I’m currently getting back into studying for my exams again. I’ve been working at a Big 4 firm for the past 3 years and want to get this knocked out to make manager. I have Wiley’s test books which come with free updates until you pass but the MC provided in the “bite-sized” lessons are a little underwhelming and do not always fully represent what was learned in the lesson (especially since I need a lot of simulation practice).

    My question: Is the NINJA Review test bank effective for anyone here? Or is there a better alternative that you tend to lean towards? I just want to make sure I have all the information before hitting the BUY button.

    Thank you!

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  • #1836578

    If you already have a full course then I think Ninja is the way to go. It's a really good test bank, Sims included. Very comparable to what's on the exam.


    Thanks! I have the Wiley course that did not come with the test bank so that's my need for right now.


    I have CPA Excel. I used it when studying for AUD, FAR, and BEC the first time around. Starting with this FAR exam I am not touching CPA Excel anymore. I do not feel like the presentation allows for a high level understanding of the material. That's my personal preference though. I however, highly suggest the NINJA materials. I use the Books, Notes, Audio Notes, and most importantly the MCQ test bank.

    Many people use a core program, like Becker, and then supplement with the NINJA MCQ. There are also people that just rely on the NINJA material, which I am starting to do.

    Mike J

    In general I hate trying to quantify something like this. So instead, I would focus on setting and achieving small goals.

    For each section of MCQ (and by section, I mean the 5 or 6 topic groups for each exam), endeavor to get 80% correct of a block of 20 MCQ questions twice before moving on to the next topic.

    Then, study the SIMs Jeff identified as corresponding to an exam's main topic group. If you subscribe to NINJA MCQ, you will see how Jeff groups the SIMs.

    Then, do random blocks of new 25 MCQ, that pick from all 5 or 6 topic groups. Try to get 80% 5 times.

    This should take about 3 weeks, if you study 4 hours a day.

    Then in the review phase, go through the recently released MCQ. Jeff usually has 4 sets, medium and hard from the last 2 years. Do that for one day.

    Then pick 2 or 3 main topics that you believe gave you the most trouble. DO NOT go by score, but how comfortable you feel about the material (eg you could be guessing right). Choose a block of 20 or 25 MCQ for each topic. Do that for a few days.

    Most important, make sure you're reviewing the questions and answers at each stage.

    That should be enough for you. Plan your 5 weeks accordingly.

    Good Luck.

    Mike J

    Sorry folks, I posted that in the wrong thread.

    FYI, I'd swear by NINJA.


    Thanks everyone, really helps to have an informed decision on this!

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