Ninja Plus… GET IT! - Page 2

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  • #831742

    I absolutely LOVE the NINJA plus video lectures. They are straight forward and to the point, and for some reason I really like the loud Italian jersey style professor in them. He makes me laugh and he doesn’t even try. He really helps me understand the material… thank you Jeff, this was a WONDERFUL addition and no doubt it will help me pass FAR.

    If you are considering them, do it. The only down side is we don’t have the materials they sometimes bring up, like they will say “look at the worksheet problem 5” and so that kinda sucks, but I can still follow along enough.

    AUD (2/16)-84
    REG (05/16)-69 Retake (7/16)-79 (ty ninja MCQ)

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  • #1274685

    Thanks Jeff. That guy is a very good lecturer, IMO. Sad that he passed away.

    FAR: July 2016


    My eyes gloss over reading accounting textbooks. Of course I do like having them to refer back if I have a question, but having this much video lecture really helps me.


    All that I'm going to say about these videos are that they saved me from taking FAR again. I finished the Wiley lectures with 3 weeks left before my exam. I was really nervous because I didn't feel ready at all. I decided to purchase these and they save my life. I watched each video and took notes. Bob broke down each section and gave tips that made it easier to remember. The day before my test, there was one topic that I didn't know very well and was going to just skip it. I was thinking that it's such a small topic, there won't be a lot of questions on the exam about it. I decided to watch the videos on it….and I'm glad I did. Not only did I have about 2 to 3 mcqs on it, one of my sims was on it. I just received my score this morning and not only did I pass, I received the highest score of all of my tests. I wouldn't have passed without the videos. Thank you Jeff for adding these.


    I purchased BEC and FAR. I purchased the BEC one after my first failed attempt, I will admit I only watched the cost managerial section because the economic part made me want to just rip my eyeballs out, same with wiley though.. I couldn't watch another mono tone old man tell me about the supply and demand curve. I did fail BEC again with basically the same score as the 1st so this time around I will watch the mono-tone old bored man and I will watch the IT section in ninja plus which I did not do. I thought I was bad in cost accounting, but apparently I REALLY suck in IT.

    I have been watching the FAR ninja plus and it has saved my life with cash to accrual and accrual to cash. The lady in wiley tries to make us memorize some dumb formula:
    “change in other cash= change in L + change in E – Change in other assets”

    It is so dumb, she doesn't even explain well enough how we are supposed to GUESS if the number is a addition or subtraction in the formula.

    So i watched the ninja far section on this and the income statement and WOW it made super good in these sections. Just to put it in perspective I did a 35 question quiz on the cash to accrual and accrual to cash and on the Income statement and in wiley for these topics they gave you all the mathematical problems so out of the 35 MCQ 33 were long detailed mathematical type questions and I got 32 right. As opposed to when I just tried to use her wiley technique I got 2 out of 12 right. :/

    AUD (2/16)-84
    REG (05/16)-69 Retake (7/16)-79 (ty ninja MCQ)


    REG is terrible. I think it is more the instructor style/speaking ability (or lack thereof) than the material being covered. I did pass using only Ninja Plus and Ninja MCQ so maybe it wasn't all that bad. I will be purchasing AUD now that I know Bob does 100% of Auditing. He was awesome for FAR. Honestly don't believe I would have passed without him. Thank you!


    @CharleneR…I found all of the FAR videos helpful. If you're struggling with the Statement of Cash Flows or Govt/NFP…those videos are excellent. I didn't care for the Wiley videos, so I stopped watching them.


    Bob is flat-out awesome. Great, great lecturer.

    FAR: July 2016

    Alejandro Garcia

    bought AUD this morning. It has been helping already. Sad to know that my cram session for REG during thanksgiving will not have Bob in the videos…

    Sir Ivalis


    I can't seem to find much info on the Ninja Plus Sim videos. Can anyone shed a little light on what is covered in them?


    REG - 81
    FAR - April 13th (73), TBD
    AUD - July 6th
    BEC - TBD


    @Sir Ivalis….go to There should be a tab for the ninja plus. I would recommend the FAR and AUD at least.


    @bucknell39 do you still have the AUD BISK videos?

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