NINJA Phillip – FAR Rematch Experience

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  • #186025

    NINJA Question –

    “I am now 0-2 versus the AICPA, and I am angry.

    I am trying to deal with all the negative emotions that come with failing in a positive way by focusing on the bright moments of this latest experience.

    Namely, my score increased 10 points from the last exam, but even that feels like a negative because close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. This test is neither one of those things.

    So, I am going to suck it up one more time and study smarter and harder than the previous two times to make the third time a charm.

    I am down but not out!”

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  • Author
  • #560006

    You gotta keep the flame alive! Goodluck Phillip!

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79

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