Ninja Notes.. Should I buy??? - Page 2

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  • #182034

    Just wanted to know if buying the Ninja Notes are helpful.. Taking REG again and wanted to know if i should purchase. I take my own notes and flashcards. What is the difference?

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  • #474709

    I printed them and had them spiral bound at Kinko's with a durable cover on the front and back. (TIP: Add a few blank pages at the back for additional note taking space.) I use them as my base notes and write “fact nuggets” in the margins as I go through the MCQs. I re-write them (as time allows…wish I could be better at this) and review them religiously every night before turning out the light. I keep them with me and review as time allows (or hit the flashcards on my phone – in line, in traffic, etc.) Sure beats carrying around a 10lb Wiley text book!

    ETA: I got 18 points on REG and 10 points on AUD (after multiple attempts on each). I also got 10 points on FAR last time but sadly scored a 73…which %($&! me off but I DID get 10 points! =)

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