Ninja Notes … buy them BEFORE you Start

  • Creator
  • #169681

    Hi all,

    I have finally entered into the scary realm of study time for the CPA exam… I’m taking FAR in about 8 weeks. I bought the Yaeger study materials, and got to work on the first module. However, I couldn’t help but feel I was spinning my wheels taking their recommended approach to study. On a whim, I bought the Ninja Notes for FAR. I was super relieved to learn that Jeff suggests a different approach to studying for the exams….. All I can say is thank you Jeff, and thank God I decided to buy the Ninja Notes in the BEGINNING of my studying, rather than near the end.

    From what I’ve read on these forums, most people use the Ninja Notes for a quick review towards the end of their study period, leading up to the exam. My point is, BUY THE NOTES BEFORE YOU START STUDYING! I can’t brag on them too much because I haven’t passed any exams yet (nor attempted to), but I can tell you my stress level has gone down considerably since using Jeff’s study suggestions.

    Just a thought, to those starting out their studying.

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  • Author
  • #339953

    I agree! I am retaking Reg and the Ninja Notes are really helping. I carry the hard copy or my IPad version with me everywhere! LOVE THEM!


    I do agree, I don't use them only at the end…I use them the entire time!


    Agreed. I prefer the Ninja approach more than what my CPA course recommends. I never really noticed how effective note taking actually was.

    It's a shame I used the approach used by my CPA course for my first part of the CPA. I found out about the ninja notes too late into studying.

    BEC 04/14/12 87
    FAR 08/28/12 88
    AUD 10/06/12 94
    REG 02/09/13 91


    Appreciate the feedback!


    I agree!! I just bought FAR because the notes helped me so much with AUD. Great product!!

    AUD 4/12/12 79
    FAR 5/29/12 76
    REG 8/2/12 82
    BEC 8/30/12 72 Retake 10/18/12 76!!! DONE!!!!
    ExamMatrix, Wiley Books, NINJA notes and audio

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