Ninja notes?

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  • #1605998

    NINJA Question –

    Hi all,

    I am going to start studying by following ninja framework.
    On “Intense notes” part, Jeff mentions that some people replace note taking with
    ninja notes. If it works, it sounds like a great method because of 700 pages long material,
    I can’t really figure out what is important and what is not.

    Has anyone studied this way or similar way with ninja notes?
    I would love to hear experience of others.

    I am thinking about printing out ninja notes and writing additional note on margin.

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  • #1606041

    It looks like you just took your first exam and won't have results for a bit. The first exam for me was calibration – and way harder than I expected (Reg). It wasn't until my second exam (FAR) that I “discovered” Ninja. I failed my first attempt at FAR before discovering Ninja. I carefully researched FAR and knew the typical “problem areas” that people had, but there was so much content in those problem areas in the Becker content that, as you said – it was hard to know what was important.

    When I got Ninja Notes – it was much easier for me to review those “problem areas” and say – ok – what is the baseline of knowledge – what is most important? That was the frame of the house I was building. Then I could expand on that rather than start with an infinite supply of “raw materials” from which I had to choose what was important!

    So in summary, Ninja helped bring the most difficult concepts together that I could build on.

    I did not copy or rewrite notes. I took copious notes of my own (probably worth a mint but not nicely organized like Ninja) and continued to refine. The purpose of my notes was to say – this is how I would explain it. If I couldn't explain it – I didn't understand it!

    I hope that helps.


    Thanks, M123

    Yes, I took BEC exam about a week ago using Becker only.
    My impression was that Becker book goes through A and B, Becker MCQ is about B, C, and D, and Becker practice exam is some other alphabets.
    I remember specifically, one section about IT had about 13 questions on EDI when the book mentioned it very briefly.
    Actual questions, and type of questions (wording, style, etc) that I encountered during the exam was not at all similar to ones that I've seen.

    I learned about Ninja MCQ short before the actual exam.
    Although I have not solved many ninja MCQs, I am almost certain that Ninja MCQ is lot more similar to questions on the actual exam.

    Of course, this is just my opinion and experience.

    I agree, as you pointed out, it would be very nice to build up from some established basic backbone.
    Again, thank you for your opinion.

    shawn in VA

    I used ninja notes for AUD AND BEC. Keep in mind they are VERY HIGH LEVEL. There are very little details and I understand that is the whole purpose. For someone out of school who is young it is great. For someone like me where 10 years out of school and just started studying these notes are kind of a waste of money and time. If I have spare time I will look over them the for a couple hours the day before exam but there is no way anyone can pass with just using ninja notes.


    I print them out 4 ninja note pages to 1 normal page. That way it makes it a lot shorter. Instead of flipping through 90 pages its only like 20. That makes it easier for me to read through in one sitting. It normally takes me about 30ish minutes. Its easy to get lost in the little details sometimes. I like to look at it every once in a while so I can get a general overview of what I am learning.

    To me rewriting them takes WAY WAY to much time. Especially since I work full time also. I think that time is better spent doing a lot of MCQ and reading or taking notes on the information Jeff provides in those. You pick up a lot of the small details there.


    How do you actually access your notes bought through ninja?


    @ineedthiscpa45, they email you a link when you buy it. If you bought it already, then you could email customer support and they'll send you a new link.


    How do you purchase the ninja notes separately without having to buy a bundle?


    Can I purchase ninja notes alone? Or do I have to purchase a package?


    NINJA Monthly is the price of old standalone NINJA Notes ($67) and you can cancel after one month if you like:

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